Anthropomorphism: Parrots Are Not People

Indian Ringneck parrots are truly remarkable creatures. Their intelligence, affectionate nature, talking ability, and playful antics make them incredibly popular pets. These qualities can easily lead us to attribute human characteristics to them, a phenomenon known as anthropomorphism. This tendency, while natural, can sometimes cause misunderstandings in how we perceive and treat our avian companions.

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Outdoor Interaction With Your Bird

Today I was out doing yard work and I had Devri with me the whole day.   I must admit I don’t mind doing the work for a variety of reasons, even though I have a gardener who comes weekly. Mostly because it’s a great way for me to incorporate my time with my birds, and it’s a time to disconnect from the world to clear my mind, develop my thoughts, or think about questions that are always on repeat inside my head.  The whole experience feels like a quick second, but before I know it, a few hours have passed and I have to move onto something scheduled for the sake of getting things done. I’m sure we can all relate, huh?

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It’s Dinner Time!


Whelp, I made spaghetti for dinner and thought my birds would like a taste of it. For me, it’s so important my birds be able to try all kinds of foods. Besides, the spaghetti was somewhat nutritious as it had eggplant, tomatoes, mushrooms, and lots of herbs. All that tomato sauce is perfect for them as it allows my ringnecks to get their lycopene. This nutrient is important because it boosts their antioxidants and gives them the proper nutrients for optimal skin and feathers.

Maintaining a healthy diet is essential for achieving and maintaining optimal health. A balanced diet, consisting of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, and healthy fats, provides the necessary nutrients, vitamins, and minerals required for a well-functioning body.

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