Indian Ringnecks are sexually dimorphic which means they can be sexed visually. These parrots reach sexual maturity around 3 years of age and females can reach sexual maturity around two years of age. It is important to understand that sexing these birds before three years can be difficult. I have provided information, along with photos, to help you better determine the sex of your bird.

If you wish to find out if your parrot is a male or female before three years, the only alternative way is through DNA testing. This is very affordable and many companies will send a free kit out to anyone who is interested. All you have to do is collect some feathers and send back the kit. Within a few weeks or days you will be called, e-mailed, or faxed the results. Most parrot DNA testing agencies will send you a certificate to confirm the results. DNA is 99.9 percent accurate if the samples were not contaminated.

Obviously, this parrot was given the name Rose-ringned Parakeet or Indian Ringneck due the male’s ring around its neck. This ring can start to appear around 17 months and can take as long as two molts to come in dark, bright, and thick. If you wish to sex your parrot before 17 months without DNA sexing, and before the ring has come, you can do so by the behavior of your parrot.  A male ringneck will open his wings slightly in the shape of a heart and bow. His eyes will pin (the pupil will get small) as he does this little display. Try placing your ringneck in front of a mirror and see if it displays.Male-Ringneck

Also, a male Indian Ringneck’s feet are usually not as thick as the female ringneck. His head is also squarer and the colors are more vibrant around his cheeks. His tail is slightly longer as well. This technique can work for all ringneck mutations except lutino and albino Indian Ringnecks.

Female Indian Ringnecks do not get a ring; however, a slight green ring can be seen around the female’s neck. Female ringnecks are much stockier and have thicker feet. Their face is more rounded and their beak is not as prominent. It takes a trained eye to sex ringnecks visually, even so, this is still not 100 percent accurate.


Female ringnecks do not display like male ringnecks. Instead, they usually display by clucking and tilting their head back. Like the male rignecks, their eyes will pin too. Most females will display around one year. This is a perfect way to sex your young female without DNA sexing.