For some reason this parrot is stigmatized with many horrible myths. I have covered the major myths and I hope they help shed some positive light into this species. Below are common myths.
Indian ringnecks do not make good pets.
This is the most popular myth and is even believed by avian experts and breeders. Why? This myth probably started as a result of ringneck bluffing. After ringnecks are weaned most will go through a biting stage. This stage, which only lasts for a while, unfortunately detours many parrot owners. This stage is natural and is much like a teenager getting a rush of hormones— they get moody. All baby parrots test their limits and bluffing is just a part of ringneck development. It passes and the ringneck becomes extremely friendly and tame.
Indian ringnecks love to be left alone for long periods of time.
Ringnecks are very social creatures. They spend their lives with flock members and pair off during the breeding seasons. This rumor must have started through the breeding behavior of ringnecks. People assumed that because these parrots do not mate for life and are sometimes seen alone in the wild, they prefer to be solitary. This is not true. Ringnecks spend most of their time with flock members and do enjoy the company of other birds.
Male Indian Ringnecks are best at talking.
This is false. Both males and females make excellent talkers if worked with. Females are excellent whistlers and can talk if the owner spends the time teaching their females to speak. Both my females whistle and my other female rigneck talks a lot. So how did this myth start? It probably started as a result of more males being purchased than females. As a matter of fact, most people find the females to be plain, as a result, are not as “in demand” as the males. As sad as it may seem it’s the truth! I have seen females that talk up a storm (like mine). This rumor is false.
Indian ringnecks must be removed from their mothers before their eyes are open in order to become tame.
This is absolutely untrue. As a matter of fact ringnecks are probably not conscious of their environment for the first 10 days. I have handfed ringnecks alone and in groups. I prefer a group of babies rather then one. Keeping a baby alone is unfair and is miserable for it. In the wild, the mother ringneck spends most of her time comforting and keeping the baby warm while the father feeds the chicks. A ringneck chick that is kept alone is lonely and will cry until it has something to snuggle with. If you want a tame ringneck it all comes down to socialization and constant interaction.
Female ringnecks are mean and very aggressive, so they don’t make great pets.
This statement is not true. Female ringnecks are much more loyal than male ringnecks. They bond very strongly to their chosen person and show lots of affection. Females love to be cuddled and petted. They truly enjoy human interaction. This myth probably started as a result of their behavior during the breeding season. Like most parrots during this season, they too get a rush of hormones and WILL bite if you’re not careful! But if you think it’s only ringnecks, ask a 10 year old Amazon, Macaw, Cockatoo, or Grey owner. They’ll tell you different!
The color of the ringneck can make the quality of the pet better.
The color of the ringneck dose not matter. I have no idea how this myth came to light; however, it’s untrue. The color of the bird makes no difference along with the sex. I’ll say it again and again, it all comes down to socialization and human interaction.