Indian Ringneck Flocking Behavior

There is nothing like watching ringnecks in their wild state, flying free. I’ve observed these birds for so long that every detail and behavior about them fascinates me; it’s truly mesmerizing. Watching a flock of ringnecks offers a glimpse into their natural world, revealing behaviors and interactions that are both captivating and educational. While stumbling … Read more

Indian Ringneck Will Not Return To Cage

Hello Jane, Congratulations on adopting your Indian Ringneck! It’s heartwarming to hear that you’ve given Teddy a loving home. Parrots, especially Indian Ringnecks, can bring so much joy and enrichment to our lives with their intelligence and vibrant personalities. It sounds like there was a bit of a mix-up with Teddy’s age. If he’s just … Read more

Free-flying Indian Ringneck Parakeets

I just watched this charming video and couldn’t help but feel delighted by the interaction between the owner and his Indian Ringnecks. The owner introduces us to his two beloved birds, Asparagus, a female ringneck, and Creampuff, a male ringneck. It’s heartwarming to see how much he loves and cares for them. The owner shares … Read more

Anthropomorphism: Parrots Are Not People

Indian Ringneck parrots are truly remarkable creatures. Their intelligence, affectionate nature, talking ability, and playful antics make them incredibly popular pets. These qualities can easily lead us to attribute human characteristics to them, a phenomenon known as anthropomorphism. This tendency, while natural, can sometimes cause misunderstandings in how we perceive and treat our avian companions.

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Sunny: Blue Wild Ringneck

Hi … Thats “Sunny” he showed up at our houses yard on my Moms Birthday last year… He came to the table where we feed Cardinals and other birds. He is beautiful and very funny. Talks up a storm up on the trees and mostly lives in a Sea Grape tree in our yard.  He … Read more

Pellets For My Indian Ringneck

Dear Anne, Thank you for your kind email and for updating me on Govinda’s progress. I appreciate your diligence in trying the Harrisons Adult Lifetime Small pellets, even though the transition has been challenging. It’s great to hear that you’re considering other options as well. Patience and persistence are key during this transition period, and … Read more

Determining the Sex of a Young Indian Ringneck

Based on the information you provided, it can be challenging to determine the sex of a juvenile Indian Ringneck just by looking at it. However, I can share some general indicators that might help you figure it out over time. From the photo of your Ringneck, it looks like a female; however, to be completely … Read more

Should I keep a ringneck as a pet?

Hello. I am Bill Patterson from Leesburg,FL. I am interested in adopting an Indian Ringneck, but I have had many different opinions about them. I am counting on you to set the record straight. Right now, I currently own a 27 yr old Senegal Parrot, and a 9 yr old Boston Terrier. I would of course … Read more

Egg-laying and sitting behavior

Hi, Gracie is my only bird – a 15 year old Indian Ringneck whom I have had for 4 years. For the past 3 years in the Spring she lays 3-4 eggs and wants to sit on them forever. Her favorite thing to do all year round is tear up cardboard boxes as if she’s … Read more