Greetings from Texas

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Greetings from Texas

Post by shawn4453 »

Hello, I am a first time bird owner and I am looking for some information on my birds behavior. I have a blue IRN that will be 1yr old on Jan 14th. He came to live with us about 6 weeks after his hatch date and has fit into our house and family perfectly ever since. Untill 3 days ago... all of the sudden he won't allow anybody to touch him. He was hand raised and has always allowed me to spread his wings, flip him upside down, he would lay in the palm of my hand, step up, he even learned a few tricks like playing dead. Now it seems that he has forgotten all of these things that he has been doing for months. He has turned into a completely different bird, and it happened over night! He also has a completely different attitude. I haven't changed his diet, his cage, or the house, but I have a few ideas that could be causing the problem. The first of which is the fact that his wings were clipped when we got him, but I decided to let them grow out, (I would appreciate any info or opinions on wing clipping) he now has completely full wings and has learned to control his flight perfectly. I was thinking that maybe this is the cause of his new 'big boy' attitude. He also has a lot of pin feathers right now and I thought that maybe that is causing some discomfort and could be the reason that he refuses to be touched. Could be the weather, hormones, or maybe just a growth spurt. I should mention that although I say 'he' I am not sure of the sex of the bird. Oh, and his name is Repeat. I have reasearched this and can't find anything that helps. So I would appreciate any links, advice, opinions, or help in any form. What else couldbe causing this? Will he go back to normal? Or will I haveto start all over from the beginning with him? (sorry this was so long winded)++
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