friend or enemy or visitor

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friend or enemy or visitor

Post by summerpeach »

hey peeps, help needed here.

i am in singapore, most of us stay in high rise buildings. i happened to stay in the 13th floor when a green indian ring neck flew in (no ring so assume its a female) 2 weeks ago. my mum happened to finish baking some flour cakes that moment. i think it heard my lovies chirping & landed on one of the poles that we hang out clothes to dry, saw the small cakes & decided to come in for a bite.

when we found it, i think it was too hungry to be bothered with us. i came very close, it dont even gave a hoot. only when i attempt to touch it, it will then move away. i believe it is not use to being hand handled?

anyway, i caged it as i thought it cant be wild since it actually flew in and did not fly off when saw us coming in the kitchen. by the way, it spoke a weird phrase which i dont understand and can meow very well like a cat.

in fact, after caging the parrot, i did try looking out for its owner but to no avail. in singapore, the common way we try to look for lost pets is by putting flyers or pinning their notices under the blocks. so far no one looking for a parrot. i will try look out in the internet. but i suspect its abandoned. nippy & unfriendly.

but i think it dont really like me because it will "contract" its pupils & "scream" at me when i come close to look at it(after being in a cage). funny thing is it will meow in response when my kid sis meow to it. probably prefer my sis or it like kids.

i dont know if parrots will feel sad because i heard it making noise that sound like a sob(occasionally in private). do parrots cry? i hope it is not pinning for its owner & feeling sad.

will be glad if anyone can shed some light on this IRN. i can get along well with my lovies with occasional bites & i know nuts about parrots especially this one & i dont dare to try touching it because i fear for my fingers as its beak seems much bigger than a lovie.

Last edited by summerpeach on Mon Sep 26, 2005 12:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mikaela »

First of all, in America we NEVER use the 13th floor. Not in a hotel, condo, apt, ect... ever. It is believed to be bad luck. That however, is trivial.

To me is sounds as though you have found someone elses bird. PLEASE post flyers and try to get the bird back to the proper owner. If he lets you get so close he certainly isnt wild.

People become very attacted to their IRN's so please do the right thing and try to reconnect the baby girl with her 'parronts'.

Until then, love it, feed it and give it plenty of playtime. If noone claims it, you are one lucky fella.

Assume I went today and got a 2 yr old ringneck. Chances are, even if she was tame when I got her, she would scream and dialate until she got to know me. It doesnt mean she doesnt like you. Irns LOVE people. It means you havent gained her trustt yet. Dont take it personally and interact with her as much as possible by sitting near and speaking to her as you would a baby in a crib.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by summerpeach »

i did not know that in america 13 is bad luck too. in singapore its the same but we are not really that particular about such things. in fact i happen to be born on friday the 13th which also happens to be good friday too. :)

anyway, i did try to look for its owner, asking my neighbours to help ask around, asking neighborhood council to leave news on bulletins & checking out on the net. but theres a limit on what i can do if the owner do not try hard to look for the lost pet. i will love to return the IRN as i have 2 lovies with me & i do not have any experience with parrots.

i posted here because i hope i can make the IRN at home & see what i can do to help to make her comfortable. she screams whenever i try to interact with her & thats loud compare to my lovies. i thought the noise she makes is to show her displeasure so i am quite worried if i am irksome to her. she seems happier on her own & napping.

my mum wanted to set it free due to the racket shes making but i thought its rather irresponsible & i worry that she will die in the cold or of hunger.
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Post by Mikaela »

Lord have mercy DO NOT set it free, it is obviously tame. Before doing that, please try to sell/give it to a good home. It may not have the ability to vend for itself. :cry:
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by ringneck »

Hello summerpeach,

It’s a good thing the ringneck flew to you. I would start by feeding her fresh fruits/veggies everyday. Give her some lovebird seeds as well.

Talk to her though the cage and don’t force yourself upon her. She is very nervous and edgy. She was probably out in the wild for a few days without food and a nice warm place to stay.

Before your approach her cage, whistle, or say some phrase that alerts her you’re coming to her cage. Move slowly around her cage and don’t make eye contact with her.

Daily, take a chair and sit by the cage. Go about your business and talk very calmly to her. Let her know she has found a good home..etc… This will ensure you’re friendly and want to help her.

As time progresses, curiosity will get the best of her. If was handfed, then she should cling to the bars and try to get your attention. It would then be time to open the door and start training her.

Please get her wings clipped, even if the original owners find her. Let them know it’s very irresponsible to keep her wings grown IF proper training, such a recall, was not taught to her!

Please don’t misunderstand me—grown wings are not a bad thing; however, it takes special training and responsibility to handle a parrot that can fly!

Hope this helps and welcome, :wink:

Imran Chaudhry
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Post by Mikaela »


I would like to reinterate what ringneck said about eye contact. When I was raising Baby she was a horror. So mean, still is just not with me.

Anyway, I couldnt do anything with this girl. I am from the south and we believe that eye contact is important. If you cant look someone is the eyes when you are talking to them, you are shady. So, I was giving ALOT of eye contact thinking this would make her trust me. WRONG! All I was really doing was scaring her. Ringneck pointed this out, I stopped staring, only glancing and she immediately begin to let me interact more.

So now, I look in her eyes then glance to her chest and back and forth like that. The only time I stay locked to her eyes is when I have to get on to her. I keep a calm voice and bring her to my face and look right into her eyes and with a baby voice I say No No Baby. Believe me, she gets it.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by summerpeach »

hey peeps

thanks for all the advice provided :wink:

by the way i have stuck a few flyers at several bus stops today. hope her owner can get to me soon.

so i finally learnt something.. no staring & that works :idea:

her 'screams' actually subsided much for these past few days, probably getting use to our place but only start her screaming when i come by to look or stare (ok now i know thats no good). :roll:

so today i did nothing of the staring part, only tend to my lovies right below her cage.. talk to my lovies & gradually to her & no screaming!
anyway, there was 1 part when i was playing with my lovies between their cage & she got curious & came to the side of her cage to peep 'downstairs'.

anyway do i have to keep my lovies from her? some peeps from other forum advise me to quarantine in case of diseases. i think the current situation of having 1 cage above another is fine enough?

only problem is that when i play with my lovies, one of my lovie likes to fly to the top of her cage. i think he is curious about her but turn out shes scared & back away or turn defensive. so i try to get him away. worry her big beak on his feet :cry:

by the way, so far she likes peanuts, apples (only when they are juicy & crispy ) & white bread (i think she eaten that before as she was excited when she sees my dad eating & wanted, dont know if good for her health so told my dad not to feed her too much on that, i tried replacing with multi grain bread, thought will be healthier & no she doesnt like it) & she doesnt like carrots or corn(cooked).

so what kinda veggies should i try with her? :(

i do think that i should clip her wings, i clip my lovies wings on my own but i dont think i can do that for her, probably get my fingers bitten. By the way do IRN bite hard? sorry silly question but i never deal with parrots. their beaks are kinda scary to me :oops:
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Post by Angelface »

yup they do bite hard if they so choose to!! listen to the suggestions given here, these people have good and wise things to say about birds!
though personally I think 13 is a good number haha ;)
my female irn doesn't like to be handled much, and they are/can be independent birds, not all are snuggly and cuddly, though a lot are! since i've only had mine since may I dont push contact, if they want to come over and say hi, they are free to do so, and I've gained the male's trust, he's quite cuddly and loving to hang out with people, now just waiting for the female to come around!
definatly do not ever set a parrot free in the wild! sure some do and can survive, but if they are used to captivity it is a very cruel thing to do!! I would definatly keep your lovebirds away from this new bird, and yes quarantine is best! the birds shouldn't be in the same room, and definatly NOT allowed to land on it's cage!! that is extremly stressful to a bird to have a strange bird land on it's cage! not to mention the chance of legs being bitten off. Best of luck to you in finding the owners of this bird!
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Post by Jade »

Try feeding the IRN raw corn. My guys love it but hate cooked stuff. Also try some mashed potato, any sort of berry, capsicum (peppers), apples, grapes, passionfruit, zucchini, tops of celery, potato skins (cleaned), kiwi fruit, banana - basically anything except for avocado, chocolate and tomatoes. Each bird is different, like humans, and will have favourites and least favourites. Just try different things. As a treat, I give my birds shelled sunflower seeds. Not too many of them because they are very fatty but its a good treat.

Curiously, my birds also like cheese. I found my son feeding them his cheese sandwhich the other day and they were going nuts over it.

I just got back a lost bird. He wasn't found by anyone else, he just escaped his cage. As a parront, its so upsetting when your baby disappears. I was an absolute mess for a few days while he was out. If the owners don't show up or even try to find their bird, the IRN is probably really lucky to have found you and people who actually care about it and maybe its destiny.
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Post by Mikaela »

*I* didnt say 13 was bad.... planning and zoning commissions did back in the early 1900's when people opted not to accept office space or housing on the 13th floor in NYC.

Americans hold the number 13 as an unlucky number. Some are supersticious, some arent. But, they realized more of us WERE than WERENT so began skipping the 13th floor altogether. Just a tid bit of trivia I threw out there, never know when you'll be on Jeopardy, I know one day I will!

In buildings we go: L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 and so on.

Many Americans dont even notice the lack of a 13th floor themselves.

My Mom was born on Friday the 13th, fits her :twisted:
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by summerpeach »

heya peeps

thanks for the advice once again :)

really helps a lot..

still no news of her owner.. think high chance of her sticking to us for the moment..

she stil got her 'attitude' so what i do everyday is to talk/sing to her & my lovies.. but dont think shes warming up to me yet..

hmm.. have no idea how is our relationship gonna be.. when i am kinda afraid of her beak/bites (even though she has not shown me what she is capable of :roll: ).. dunno if i can hand-handled her someday.. i was thinking kinda unfair if i dont allow her any interaction with humans..
then again probably i am worrying too much when we are not even pass this hurdle.
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Post by Dani03 »

Let me tell you from first hand exp. that their bite can and do hurt but it is their choice whether or not to really clamp on. They can hurt but most of the time my Prinny just does it has a warning. She just gently beaks my hand and pushes it away. Now she can really clamp on but that is when she is in one heck of a mood. First place some trust in the bird. If you show that you mean no harm the bird will respond.
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Post by Mikaela »

I second Dani.

My littliest girl bites to mean it. My 2 yr old bites with no pressure. These days, neither bite but Im sure it is about time for one. :roll:
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by Jade »

I've had blood drawn by Chuckles. Funny thing is, since he has come back from a few days in the wild, he is a completely different and loving bird. No more biting. He wants quality time now. :lol:
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Post by Angelface »

Bongo gives little love nips but Ravi tears chunks of skin out of a person! I think she rather enjoys it, she gives this funny cackle after ripping a piece out of your finger. I still can't handle her without a towel wrapped around her head! it's been since may and she's still taking her sweet time at coming around. I'd rather be bitten by a bigger bird than a smaller one though!!! budige bites are horrible because they dont let go! they just hang on and they always seem to bite between your fingers! :shock:
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Post by summerpeach »

u are right angelface.. small birds bites are extremely painful & they dont know when to let go. juz hang on as if forever.. thank god my lovies dont bite much but they leave 2 dents like vampire marks everytime they did..

that y i m so worried if that big girl decided to do so.. dont know what will be left of my fingers.. i got small hands so hope dont look delicous to her. never been bitten by a bigger bird before & i cant imagine will be much better than a small beak.

anyway she still got her attitude so guess will take things easy first..
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