why do people teach thier birds to say thier own name?

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why do people teach thier birds to say thier own name?

Post by IMR4N »


Hey all

I find that teaching your bird to say its name or say “hello” (e.g.to its self just strengthens the case that they are mindless mimics and they don’t understand what they are saying or doing. Obviously I do disagree with this statement. But I try dot to teach Zazu his name. They are clever birds and can associate words with items and even learn to ask for them items. Teaching them their name makes them look like jesters.

Sometimes they just pick it up that is inevitable but they only pickup words that they think will help them survive. For example to warn of predators it may use a sound which the predator is afraid of or to scare of other birds it might make the could of a crow etc.

My view anyway feel free to reply.
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Post by Mikaela »

Interesting topic. I adopted a 2 yr old. Her name is Peek-a-Boo and she loves it, so much in fact, she named HERSELF that. No, Im not kidding... certainly not a name I would have picked.

All day long "peekaboooosssaaaggooooddgiiiirlll" peeekabooosapreeeettty girl *wolf whistle. Then she looks at you like you're stupid and asks "what you doin'" :?:

Baby just says hey, not bad for her age though. You can baaaarely hear it and she'll only say it for me when noones around so ofcourse noone believes me :roll:
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by Neokireina »

My birds learned their names long before they could say them. Bappy recognised the names of all the other birds too. I was driving home one time with her after she got her clipped feathers removed she was a little upset so I talked to her the whole way home. Only when I asked if she wanted to go home and see Trill and Kiva did she scream at me. I talked some more and then asked her again, again she screamed after I mentioned the other birds names.

Now I ask her when she flies in. "Bappy where's froggy?" She screams and froggy flies in from the bird room to where we are and she says "Froggy" It's sooo cute. I think it's important that they know their own names. Since we say it so much it's something they learn easily even when you dont try deliberatly to teach them.

I havent tried to teach any of my bird to talk. It took me AGES before I realised bappy was saying "Kiss" she just picked it up from when I asked Niamh for kisses. I say kiss, He does that annoying ringneck scream and gives me a kiss.
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