Her first word!!!

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Her first word!!!

Post by Mikaela »

Hey Ya'll:

I wanted to let you know that my girl has obtained one word in her vocabulary! She said it yesterday and it messed with my head BIG TIME! She is only 5 months old and didnt expect anything this soon but then again we are together all day every day. I actually had prepared myself for no talking in the event she chose not too.

Here is how it happened (feel like a parent telling you about my babies first steps haha). Anyway, when I go to see her and get her first thing in the morning I walk up saying "Hi Baby" and then continue talking and repeating that phrase because she always seemed to like hearing it. I do this as I clean, feed, water and add treats for the day then we play outside of the cage until bedtime. Er, back to my point.

This morning when I walked up to her cage I was already engaged in a conversation with my middle son (get dressed and on that bus in 5 minutes or I will take you out of this world, you know... Moma talk.) And in the middle of all of it we hear Hiiii Beepee and stop in our tracks. I put it off as a chirp but my boy wouldnt let it go. Got him off to school and walked to her cage again without saying anything and sure enough, clear as the day is long, I get a 'Hiiii beepee', So, she needs to work on the baby part but she sure does have the Hi down and loves to hear herself say it!

I am now hoping that when anyone approaches her cage they will get her precious Hiiii Beepee. I didnt even know I was teaching her to talk.

She will say Hiiii if I say it a few times but wont do the baby on command. Is this really a word at only 5 months or have I had too much coffee? I dont care if she ever talks so I know Im not hoping for a pipe dream. Talking means nothing to me. Her presence is enough.

I'd like to know what ya'll think. Again, she is only 5 months old. It weirds me out that she sounds so much like me when she says it. Same pitch and tone. High pitched and sweet/soft Hi baby. Hers is the same but a little long... Hiiii Beepee. What the hells a beepee :?:

Post by vortmax »

hahaha yep. first words are always the best. Its almost creepy to walk into a room and hear words floating through the air. She'll start to annunciate the more you say it the right way. Tony said "good Doy" for ever until he mastered his B's.

The creepiest thing however, is if your bird learns to laugh. Ive been woken up a few times to my mom's quaker just sitting in his cage making a menacing laugh.
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Post by Carly »


my baby girl surprised me too when she started talking - she was very young, only 3 months but she had a head start because she lives with my very vocal male ringneck.

now you get to go through all the 'baby babble' as she starts trying to put together new words.. keep talking to her and especially start using words in context. my male IRN says 'hello' as a greeting, whistles kisses and 'good boy' in the mirror, and can meow if you ask him what a pussy-cat says!

my baby girl however just copies all his words into one big long song.. the meaning is lost on her i think!
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Post by selma »

Mikaela that's wonderful news. I'm sure India will start picking up new words very quickly now. I remember that feeling when our baby started to talk. Now he even sings because i'm always singing to him especially before he goes to bed. I make sure i use his name in all the songs. He loves that and just stares at me oh so lovingly.
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Post by Melika »

I remember leaning back in my chair reading a book when out of nowhere a bunch of gibberish flowed from my little budgie's beak. I nearly fell over backwards! I listened some more and though it was VERY fast, he was singing the words from one of my cds, lol. He's not around anymore, died, but it sure was an experience.

I look forward to the same if Hane ever decides to speak. ^__^

Congrats on your "beepee". xD
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Post by Mikaela »

I havent heard another word from her but now she is stuck on mimicing coughs. I am digging all of it but it is sort of creepy at first. She did the cough thing the first time yesterday and because I was home alone I was scared enough to check the entire house before realizing it was her.
Datsun and Family
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Post by Datsun and Family »

Hahaha it gets worse! Datsun favourite thing is to wolf whistle then laugh... a very clear rendition of my laugh, its creepy! Really bad when she does it in the car as we pull up to the lights, has gotten me some very odd looks coz they cant see her.

Congrats, she is very clever at 5months! Its all over now though, you just cant stop em once theyve started! :wink:

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Post by Mikaela »

That is what Im tripping on... how creepy it is. I thought Wow I cant wait but it is creeeeepy. Im sure I will turn to thinking it is all cute when I get use to it.

Now I can get her to say "Hi beepee" for a treat so I know it isnt in my head hehe. Her words are real soft and low but her mimics (coughs) are louder. Is that ya'lls experience?
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Post by Melika »

My 'tiel likes to wolf whistle at me (and I whistle back) when I come home, he's on the porch. There was a guy working on our neighbor's porch who gave me odd looks. I didn't think anything of it at first... :twisted:
I've been called 'birdbrained' before, but somehow I don't think this is what they meant. say:hah-nay
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