Blue indian ringneck

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Blue indian ringneck

Post by TimTam »

anybody, please help. We have a blue indian ringneck and all it does all the time is screech.
It is torture and is doing all of our heads in.
It is fine if it has constant attention and wants to be with you 24/7. This is just not possible as we all work fulltime.

Please help
Wessel Gordon
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Re: Blue indian ringneck

Post by Wessel Gordon »

Hi Tammy

It sounds like the bird are lonely and bored and looking for some companionship and for something else to do than just sit in his cage the whole day. There is two options you can consider:

1) Get him a companion since Indian Ringneck's are flock orientated. Having another bird to socialize with might divert some of the constant screaming but in that case you have to be prepared to buy double the food, treats etc. And birds being birds there will be more vocal activity at certain times such as sunrise and sunset so before getting a companion have a serious, honest debate with yourself and the other people living in the house if all of you are willing to live with two birds that are able to scream at the level that are currently driving you all insane.

2) Rehome him with someone that do have the time to interact with him through most of the day (an elderly person that's at home all day or someone that's at home most of the day for whatever reason will be ideal). From what you mentioned it seems he thrives on interaction with humans and at the risk of sounding harsh, in my opinion, rehoming him might be the best option for everyone involved. However, I cannot stress enough that you do not give him to the first person that's willing to take him; that person might work long hours as well and if that's the case it might start a vicious circle of him being constantly consider carefully who will make a more suitable companion for him.

If you aren't willing to go for either option I hope someone else on the forum have a solution I have overlooked. I apologize in advance if something stated in this message upsets or offends wasn't intended to do either: I am just stating what I believe would be in the best interest of both you and the bird.

Kind regards,

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Re: Blue indian ringneck

Post by TimTam »

Thanks. Not offended. Have tried rehoming, nobody will have him because of his screeching, they have bought him back.
I currently have the cage open and he has full rein of the house (still screeching). We have two other birds Alexandrine and Galah and they are as happy as larry.
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Re: Blue indian ringneck

Post by Donovan »

Make a playlist of other irns on youtube or something. Play it alot and make sure there are dozens of videos so the playlist goes for a couple hours at a time.
If he's going to make noise all the time it might as well be more interesting than screeching
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Re: Blue indian ringneck

Post by InTheAir »

Get him foraging for his food. Make the foraging harder as he gets better at it. Search "Kris Porters parrot enrichment " for ideas to keep him occupied.
Reward him for playing independently whenever he does. Try to reinforce any sound you can stand with treats and/or attention. Do some trick training with him to entertain him. After a nice shower he will probably not make noise while he dries. Start a diary of daily activities and noise.
Buy earplugs so you can stand the noise, there really isn't a quick fix. :wink:

Sometimes you can find what is triggering noise making, Sapphire goes off when lorikeets fly by the window. If I put music on to muffle the lorikeet calls Sapphire is usually quiet.
Wessel Gordon
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Re: Blue indian ringneck

Post by Wessel Gordon »

InTheAir, you have a great point about a trigger sending a bird into a screeching fit. I had a pair of Sun Conures that raised babies fairly frequently and whenever a Hadida bird would fly overhead and called it sent the Conures into a screaming frenzy. Believe me: that's one type of surround sound effect you do not appreciate, lol.

Tammy, if all else fails and you just can't cope any longer have you considered giving him to a breeder? I am thinking that in that kind of environment with a breeder that's used to the noise of a lot of birds and among other birds his noise won't be as annoying.

However, try a few of the solutions some of the other people suggested first before doing that because you obviously care enough about the bird to want help to sort out his problem.

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