Fat and Grease

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Fat and Grease

Post by Donovan »

So, my bird raided my trash can and stole a piece of fatty, greasy pork fat.
It took me a few minutes to notice he wasn't following me around the house. So I went to check on him, and there he was, stolen piece of fried fat dripping with grease.. and eating the hell out of it.

So, i took it from him. Luckily he will drop things into my hand, so taking forbidden items away from him is pretty easy at least.

This piece of food was very bad for him to be eating. I mean he had grease all over his face. There's a reason this piece of food ended up in the trash can!

My question is, how to counter the grease he ingested.. Watery foods aren't necessarily the answer. When he gets something a little salty, i make sure he eats watery foods for the next couple of meals.
Should I feed something really dry now? Seed and pellets only? Maybe I could give him some bird gravel stuff.

You should see him now, he's sitting in one of his favorite spots with his eyes half open/closed... satisfied look on his face...
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Re: Fat and Grease

Post by MissK »

Soooooooooo, how much did he eat? Really, I think this is a phone call for the vet. The vet might want to run some test, but before you do that, think it through. What action can be taken if tests show something bad? Would it be a harmless action you could just as well initiate independently?

Um, and get a lid for that trash, buddy!
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Re: Fat and Grease

Post by Donovan »

I'm not concerned enough to rush him to the vet over eating a little piece of junk food. I just want to know what a good counter for grease is.
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Re: Fat and Grease

Post by InTheAir »

I have no idea. I go by "when in doubt call the vet".
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Re: Fat and Grease

Post by MissK »

I don't mean rush to the vet. I mean phone up the vet and ask them the same question you put here.

I really don't think there is an antidote to grease.
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Re: Fat and Grease

Post by Melika »

The only problem would be if it was grease on the feathers. As far as ingesting a little, it's no big deal. Besides, their digestive system is so short/quick nothing you feed after would make a difference. :)
I've been called 'birdbrained' before, but somehow I don't think this is what they meant. say:hah-nay
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Re: Fat and Grease

Post by Donovan »

Melika wrote:The only problem would be if it was grease on the feathers. As far as ingesting a little, it's no big deal. Besides, their digestive system is so short/quick nothing you feed after would make a difference. :)
Given that, would you say a very watery food wouldn't necessarily negate salt intake?
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Re: Fat and Grease

Post by Melika »

Donovan wrote:
Melika wrote:The only problem would be if it was grease on the feathers. As far as ingesting a little, it's no big deal. Besides, their digestive system is so short/quick nothing you feed after would make a difference. :)
Given that, would you say a very watery food wouldn't necessarily negate salt intake?
Salt results in an increased uptake of water (which is why salt is very important- no salt and your body won't store water resulting in severe dehydration!) so an increase in dietary water would 'dilute' the concentration of salt in the body. It wouldn't mean there is any less salt, per se, but simply not as concentrated in the system. Eventually the body regulates itself, seeking homeostasis but a little extra salt one day isn't a problem. Chronic ingestion of too much salt would be though.

I use an increase in salt intake and water the day and night before road trips to prevent dehydration since I don't like to drink anything when I'm driving (because I don't like to stop often). XD
I've been called 'birdbrained' before, but somehow I don't think this is what they meant. say:hah-nay
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