Aussie Needs Help!

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Aussie Needs Help!

Post by AussieGirl »

Hi Everyone! I just got my IRN (Aussie) on Australia Day. He is 5 months old. I know it's early days yet, but he is still biting and lunging to attack! He is a really good bird, we let him out of his cage in the morning and night, and he normally just sits on top and watches what's going on. It's when we need to get him from the perch to put him back at night, or if he has flew somewhere we need to save him from, he bites every time you put your hand near him. My partner can handle this and usually manages to get him, but I am a wuss and have really sensitive skin and even his claws hurt Is using a glove really that bad?

Also, when he was on his perch last night, at the top of his cage, I sat there for an hour, with an apple in one hand to distract him, and he just WOULDN'T let go of the perch! This morning I had the same problem, but since I was running so late for work, I grabbed a glove and he got straight on!!! Why is this so?
I would rather him come to me with a glove on than not come at all, but I also don't want to ruin it for later.


Post by Jodie »

For starters, you need to ground your bird. If he is able to fly, he could hurt himself by flying into a wall or a window. If a bird knows he can fly, you will get an attitude, perhaps like you are experiencing. If you have never done this, check out a website on the web. There are ones that show how to do it and such as Also, you can clip his toe nails so his claws don't hurt. This is explained on
The glove was a very good idea. It resembles the hand so it will help keep the training consistent with the bird. The incident where you were running late and the bird step right up is because your bird is very intelligent. He knows when he can push the limits. And I am certain he knows you are the weaker link! :lol:
Just keep on doing what you are doing. He is rebelling alittle, but not too terrible it sounds. Just be consistent and remember you are the boss no matter how hard he bites! Hope this helps!
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Location: Sydney, Australia

Post by fred.e »

Hi AussieGirl,

It's been 5 days since your post - I hope things have improved :)

The initial attack is just your bird claiming his territory - as you are invading it - IRN's are very territorial - which is an advantage because they will one become comfortable in their own area and will not need to explore the whole house and two, you will become part of it's pack and be accepted when it feels it's time -and that's what it is.. Time.

With regards to the dominating attitude your IRN is giving you, all I can say is persistence. No matter how hard the bite, you must try not to show emotion either vocally or visibly and once you've recovered from the nasty sting, put your hand back and say "up" or whatever it is you'd like it to learn. I find with Austin that when he didn't want to come 'up' I would bring my other hand from behind and initially he would make his 'growl' sound and his eyes pin and then I would give a little nudge from behind and he would come up, at the same time saying 'up'. Now he doesn't growl when he sees the hand coming from behind and just knows that I'm boss and he's gonna have to do it anyway, so better without the nudge :) if you know what I mean.

I only have to bring the hand from behind when Austin is in a mood where he doesn't feel like listening or he's just come out of his cage and got comfy and now we need to put him back in.

The other thing you need to understand from your IRN's point of view is why is 'my master' disturbing me.. Now if the only time you handle him is to put him into his cage they will learn this and put up a fight, but my Austin knows that when I pick him up it is a multitude of things.. treats, he can go on my shoulder and we go for a walk around the house, more treats, to clean his cage (which he used to not like now loves to watch) get petted and joyfully talked to, more treats... so what I'm saying is that Austin knows that he's going to get attention when I ask him 'up' and if he doesn't want to play he doesn't have to come up, but when it's time for the cage I come towards him in a more direct tone (more telling than asking) "UP" and he goes straight up and in his cage...

Sorry for the long post, but hope this helps..
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Gloves and Bedtime

Post by AussieGirl »

Thank you for your comments! Everything is so helpful!

I bought myself a pair of gardening gloves and Aussie and I are becoming better friends, when he lets me know he is ready, I go and get him from his perch and we go for walks, a bit of apple etc. I even slightly got to pat him on his chest - until he turned to attack of course!! :lol:

I am still wondering though am I doing the right thing with the gloves? He seems to feel more secure on them, but he has now turned to biting the glove. I only have ladies gardening gloves, and when he gets a good hold, it hurts!!! :cry:
At first I thought he only started doing it when he got bored, but I think he is doing it just to be a naughty devil :twisted: I just don't know why?
I think it may be to bite at something or he is hungry, so I give him apple but sometimes, that just doesn't taste as good as the glove!
It's really upsetting, because sometimes we are getting along really well, talking and walking, then he just goes in and bites hard. I then have to put him on his perch, and that turns into an ordeal, because he won't get off me to go on his perch at times!! :?

I am also having trouble with him when it is time to open up his cage to put the perch on the roof (of a morning and when we get home from work) he snaps at me, as I'm opening it up. But the biggest problem is putting him back in!! It's not like he doesn't have much free time out of his cage, he has an hour of a morning, and then about 4-5 hours of a night! The other couple of days he had the WHOLE day out!
But when he is on his perch, to try and get him off to get in his cage is absolute murder!!! I have sometimes had to end up picking up the perch and lowering it in the cage and softly shake him off till he gets onto his rope inside the cage!! Once he is in the cage he just runs around snapping at us as we lock it up, or try to open it up!!

It has turned out, that the only times he gets off his perch, is the times he wants to and lets me know, by getting on the side of the cage and squarking!! Sometimes I've been lucky to get him, but he obviously senses when it's time to go to bed!!! He hates it!!

I guess it's just a lot more patience and time!! I just don't like when he is angry, because all the other times, he is so nice and such a sweetie!

Sorry for the LONG post!!! But all thoughts are greatly appreciated!
Posts: 22
Joined: Thu Dec 16, 2004 8:54 pm
Location: Sydney, Australia

Post by fred.e »

I have never had to use the gloves, I just bit my lip, so not sure on that part but there's plenty people here that will have a good idea.

I recall something one of the people here wrote...

Be patient, persistent and one day, it will stop... and that's what happened.

Once in a while he trys to show me whos boss, and sometimes I forget not to react, but thank goodness it did stop becasue I know exactly what you're going through. Just keep being positive and interacting with your IRN and once it trusts you it should all be good...

Good luck...

You know an IRN owner by their hands... all scratched and marked by our beloved friend :)
daisy chain

being caged

Post by daisy chain »

My ringneck also perches on top of the cage all day. Her wings are clipped but she still manages to hop down and walk around and try to find me. I can never put my finger near her. She bites me every time and she will break the skin. Even when I wear a glove I can feel the bite through the glove. She will step up but first she has to bite the finger or perch. However, if I want her to go back inside her cage when she is on top I tell her to go home and usually she climbs back in her cage. Sometimes I have to tell her several times but she will go back in. She knows that "go home" means just that. Get her used to a phrase that she can relate to that means return to her cage. I have been biten very hard and she has caused me to bleed profously on several occasions. I don't think your being a coward, just cautious. I know I am. No one likes that kind of pain.
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