my IRN doesnt like his new cage

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my IRN doesnt like his new cage

Post by snailien »

so mali doesnt like his new cage very much he just paces back n forth on the ground of his new cage , he was in a smaller one for the first 2 weeks of us having him an we just put him in the big one yesterday, we got some new toys for the cage but when his in it he seems to freak out.. although we do let him fly around the house when we are home, could he just not like the cage cause we give him so much freedom??
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Re: my IRN doesnt like his new cage

Post by MissK »

He could just be freaked out. What we see as a nice spacious new cage, he might see as being trapped in a strange place. If at all possible, consider placing the old cage inside the new. If you can't get the whole thing in there, maybe just a corner of it, with familiar stuff as it was before, so he can have reliable territory as he gets accustomed to the new situation.
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Re: my IRN doesnt like his new cage

Post by AJPeter »

I know chickens wont move to a new place, our neighbour during WW2 had a rickety old hen house and then after the ended they got a new unit and pushed the birds into it, then they set the old one alight and as the flames died down they let the birds out they made a bee line to their old location and sat in the smouldering embers thinking about this caused me some concern when l boughht Billie a new cage but she went into it like a duck.
I think MissK is right it is only temporary,
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Re: my IRN doesnt like his new cage

Post by warbuckle »

Place any toys from the old into the new in the same approx locations etc.......

May help

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