screaming routine

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screaming routine

Post by Darlene »

Hello, I have the same issue with our IRN......screaming. This is usually in the morning after he is awake and is taken out of his cage. He goes straight to his perch tower and starts what I call his little (parrot dribble). Just talking and trying new words, then it turns to loud screaming. Even if I give him attention or if I don't, he does the screaming thing. As the day wears on, he just practices talking and chatters to his self when he is ready to take his nap. He calls loud or screams if I leave the room for a while. I have started the ignoring thing and told my husband to do the same thing. I even leave the room and don't return untill he/she is quiet. But, when we are in anouther area of the house or outside and he is quiet, it usually means he is up to no good. LOL. And YES! it is a lot like haveing a two year old in the house. So I have to go see what he is into. Is this just an age thing? Our IRN is 10 monthes old. He is never teased, or stuck away in a cage in anouther room by his self. We don't yell at him. He gets a lot of cuddling and he follows us around and we play little games with him. So mabey the screaming is just a IRN trait that has to be learned that it isn't OK when you live with humans. There seems to be so many reasons for the screaming, it is hard to know what to do about it. And our IRN screams when we talk on the phone. The screaming continues until we hang up. And now he starts when the phone rings. can't figure this one. How do we get the message to him, that this is not cool?
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Post by Mikaela »

I had a screamer, the only think that worked for me is TOTALLY IGNORE the bird while and after screaming.

Pretend you dont even hear it. Dont even glance at them. DO NOT scream back, will make it worse. Dont even say no... do NOTHING.

The bird needs to think you cant hear that noise. He or she will then stop. Promise.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by Darlene »

:D Thanks Mikaela, I will try to stay aware of even looking in his direction when he screams, which is mostly in the mornings now. I am amazed at how smart our IRN is. The challenge is on! :lol:
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Post by Mikaela »

I was in a bad place.

I had to stop the screaming that was literally taxing for my family to tolerate or bye bye birdie.

My work was cut out for me and I tired a million things. One day BAM it occured to me... maybe if she thinks I cant hear that, she will stop.

When I stopped paying her attention (positive or negative) when she screamed, she stopped. Thank God.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by Angelface »

it's tough on the family and neighbours! but patience does pay off :)
my male is still a screamer...I've tried spraying him with a mist of water to get him to take a bath, ignoring him, giving him bits of food to hold with his far it's taking time, but he's SLOWLY getting the idea that if he wants attention he has to whistle.
also I put him on a perch in the bathroom...and he'll scream to be picked up, and I walk out (it's safe in there for him alone!) and when he stops screaming, I go back in and give him a when he's out of his cage he won't scream as much. though he's pretty set in his ways at age 14! good luck with your screamers!
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