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Post by Xenobia »

Okay - what are some fun games/tricks that you have taught your IRN?

I've seen Archimedes putting coins in the dish and Kai getting his treat bowl. Thanks to the videos of Baby, Busey has learned "Gimme 5"! he was so confused about that one at first.

He also knows how to give kisses and likes to play "you dropped it" an awful lot. :P

What are some other fun games/tricks that you can do with your IRN?
Busey loves learning stuff and I need some tips!
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Post by Mikaela »

The easiet thing to teach is to drop items in cups.

Also, it was extremely easy (for reasons unknown) to teach my girl to give me 'High 5'.

Put your baby on the table with some treats handy. Have a cup and the items your using handy. After him watching you put the items in the cup a few times, he'll want to help. After each time he drops one in, treat him.

Good luck, let us know how it goes.

I know a stripper that has her IRN go around the stage and pick up all her tips while she is dancing... super cool. He puts the bills into a pail and then goes around the cat walk when there are no more tips begging for more to be thrown on the stage. It works, chick makes a WAD. Or would that be chicks (plural) makes a wad hehe. Im such a nerd. :oops:
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by Dani03 »

LMAO that's great Mikaela! Wow I've never heard of an animal being trained like that... :D

Dani and Prinny
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Post by Mazziemom »

Buddy's not big on tricks, each time I try to train him he goes into "Kiss momma" mode and melts me so I just kiss him. Of course his kisses are adorable, he acts like a mini woodpecker bouncing his beak off my lips.

Mazzie likes to learn however. She walks a tightrope, back and forth and if she flips under she knows how to flip back up. She also swings from a tightrope by her beak, holding her feet together and opening her wings into a fan. Its really pretty.

She can put things in a dish, but gets bored with it fast.

She likes to bulldoze.. she puts her beak down on the floor (or bed usually) and drives her beak across the surface like a bulldozer.

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Post by Jade »

Chooky does the bulldozer thing too!! I though he just had mental problems!
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Post by Mazziemom »

LOL, I hear its really common in Senegals, but I dont have one so havent seen first hand.

I taught Maz to navigate a "maze" while dozing, through the remote controls, around the wadded up blanket, etc. She loves it and tells me she's a good girl when shes done LOL.

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Post by Jade »

Chook seems to do it to find the edge of the blanket so he can crawl under and have a snooze!! I'll try him with a maze and see how it goes!
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