What temperature should new born chicks be kept at??

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What temperature should new born chicks be kept at??

Post by Lover-of-all-birds »

My ringnecks hae laid 4 eggs (so far) but they dont seem to know what they are doing, everytime i enter the room they come out of the box which is pretty often as i have other birds to tend to, they are first time parents so mabye thats why they cant settle, anyway, ive pulled there eggs and put them in the incubator (28th feb) today ive candled them and 3 so far are showing fertile :D i need to know what temp to put the brooder at for when they hatch?? also they was laid 22nd feb, 25th feb, 28th feb, 2nd mar, i put them all in on the 28th feb, but they seem to be at different stages of growth, any ideas on there due hatch dates,
(i have experience hand rearing from day 1 so no worries there) thanks :)
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Re: What temperature should new born chicks be kept at??

Post by lewi111 »

Hi there--- the temps should be----
2--5 weeks-----80F (27c)
5--8 weks------75F (24c)
8+ weeks------Room temperature

Humidity in the brooder should be about 40%

If the chicks are huddled together and shivering---just adjust the tep slightly higher

If the chicks are spread out and panting----lower the temperature slightly

Hope this helps you ----- and good luck with them
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Joined: Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:52 pm
Location: Griffith NSW Australia

Re: What temperature should new born chicks be kept at??

Post by lewi111 »

They should hatch about 22--25 days after the second egg was laid---or the same time after the hen started to sit.

Cheers Greg
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