We bought a yellow ringneck from a pet shop, with an aviary in it, 2 weeks ago. Understandably he has been really nervous since we bought him home. I have spent a good few hours every day sat next to the cage talking to him and he happily enough climbs all over his cage but won't come close to take food off me through the cage when offered it. He also seems to have mood swings.
After reading other peoples posts on this site they seem to be able to tempt them with food to come close but no matter how much I try and complement him when he does good things he just won't budge. But seems really happy when the cage is shut.
We let him out to fly after the first week of having him as I thought he needed to stretch his wings but he was far too nervous and kept flying into walls and falling on the floor. Can't even begin to say how worrying this experience was . Also it was a nightmare trying to get him back in his cage. I understand that wing clipping is suggested to birds like this but the only thing I am worried about is getting him out in the vets as he won't even come on my hand yet and don't want to put him in any stressfull situations while settling in still.
Any advice on hand taming would be VERY MUCH appreciated.