Brushing up on genetics, picking a mate

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Brushing up on genetics, picking a mate

Post by ranechild »

I know you guys get a lot of stupid questions in this section---I've read a lot in this section over the years to try to understand, but I have no first hand experience....

I have a sf violet male. I was thinking about trying to find him a mate in a year or so. (or more).

I like the "rainbow" mutation... I understand that to be Turquoise Pallid, or is it violet turquoise pallid?
Anyway, I'm having a hard time finding a reputable picture of a violet turquoise pallid. I see violet turquoise and turquoise pallid. Am I not correctly envisioning what a violet turquoise pallid would look like? I think to myself it would look like a violet turquoise with some yellow in the head and lighter in color. Or would it look virtually the same as a turquoise pallid with no hint of violet?

Well, additionally my question is this.... If I pair my violet male with a turquoise pallid female, can I possibly ever get a violet turquoise pallid of either sex? I imagine the odds are against me if the turquoise gene is in the female rather than the male. and then cut in half by my male being sf. But I haven't even thought about the pallid.

and if the violet turquoise pallid looks pretty much like a turquoise pallid, then I suppose my chance get better? but by how much?
I never did learn to use that calculator thing you guys made....
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Re: Brushing up on genetics, picking a mate

Post by ranechild »

OK, I did see on that website with the encyclopedia on mutations a turquoise pallid violet blue hen.... a young one... they do show violet.... Damn that would be a pretty bird to see in person.
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Re: Brushing up on genetics, picking a mate

Post by Kappa »

Hi ,
Unless your cock is split pallid you will not be able to breed a visual pallid. If he isn't split for pallid, you will only breed split Cocks and straight hens.

To achieve pallid in both sexes you'll need a visual hen and at the very least a split cock.
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Re: Brushing up on genetics, picking a mate

Post by ranechild »

Ah, I see. So a better way to get a violet turquoise pallid would to have a turquoise pallid male (or at least split to pallid) and a violet pallid female?

I imagine a violet pallid female is a less likely bird for me to get my hands on.
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Re: Brushing up on genetics, picking a mate

Post by Kappa »

Correct. That combination will breed violetblue turquoise pallids in both sexes. Good luck
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Re: Brushing up on genetics, picking a mate

Post by MissK »

Ranechild, I didn't realize you aspired to be a breeder! Best wishes for that adventure.
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Re: Brushing up on genetics, picking a mate

Post by ranechild »

Babies. Babies/ Babies, babies babies....

DId I mention Babies....? It's springtime and my maternal urges are sending me on thoughts of committing to months of fuss of BABIES! Ones I don't have to give birth to.

We need to catch up Miss K :)
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Re: Brushing up on genetics, picking a mate

Post by MissK »

Just adopt me instead - you know I need a Keeper! :lol:
:shock: <---- Me doing Big Baby Eyes.......
We *do* need to catch up. :)
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