Bailey's Perch....

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Bailey's Perch....

Post by Little_Bailey »

Hi again, Just wanna ask? when i put my bailey in his cage he wont sit on the perch he just climbs around the cage or sits at the it because he is still a baby? he is about 8 weeks old now so just wondering what your thoughts are? thanks love Jem
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Post by Mikaela »

If this is common for the little guy and you know he isnt sick, I wouldnt worry. He is still a baby and clumsy.

He might be pouting, working you over. If so, it seems to be working :lol:

All Chief does is sit in his food dish and sleep. Tiels, suck... THERE I said it :( But he is still so cute just more of a stuffed animal I have to feed cute kind of way.
~ Mikaela Sky

Datsun and Family
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Post by Datsun and Family »

:lol: We warned you Mikaela! Do the kids like him though? Do they hold him?

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Post by Little_Bailey »

Thanks Mikaela, he isn't sick so i can rule that out, but he is abit clumsy lol so that maybe why... :D
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Post by Mikaela »

No, just another mouth to feed.

They couldnt stay away from Baby and Boo so I got them this bird. They say Chief isnt 'vicious' enough so he isnt any fun. But, at least now I dont have to feel guilt for making them stand arms distance from my girls.

I love ol'Chief. He isnt all that bright, nor active, nor uhm anything but he is cool nonetheless. He looks like a grumpy old man that is just sitting around waiting for the lord to call him home haha.

I am hoping when he is a little older he will atleast move from one spot to the other.

He seems content though. I was warned they were ALOT different but hell had I know this, I would have shoved a stuffed animal in the cage and been like "ok, here boys'. They would have never known the difference. :lol:
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by Little_Bailey »

Lol..."a stuffed toy" :lol: my bailey is looking at the pic of ur girl Mikaela and he keeps squaking and bobbing his head hehehe...!
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Post by Mikaela »

Awww, he thinks my girl is pretty? Tell him she cant date until she is 3. But then, its on!
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by Little_Bailey »

LOL :lol: He was told...! hehe i think he is in luv!
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Post by Neokireina »

cockatiels are awseome. I have 5 and 4 eggies not that I can count them till they hatch. My old cockatiel did ALL the huggy cuddly stuff my sunnies do AND MORE. He would chuck a tanty and throw ANYTHING he could get his little beak around and THROW it on the floor. Pens, plates, whatever was on the table.

I would THROW him and he would fly back to my hand I called this "Torpedo Jirra" I would click my fingers and hold out my hand and he would fly to me.

He would always sit or sleep on my shoulder. Even If i was in bed he'd plonk down on me somewhere and sleep. He could talk. I could scritch him, he'd step up and eat from my hand.

The cockatiels I have now one of them talks it learned that from the place I got it from. Another one does the IRN mating dance.. Thanks for teaching him that Niamh.. And you can get very pretty coloured cockatiels.. I saw a silver one I wanted it so bad but not bad enough to pay $70 for it.. They are affectionate and cuddly more so than IRNs so yeah.

OH Growls flew to me WOOT !! just a little fly from the table to my shoulder but he's getting better. Will post pics when my computer is fixed.
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Post by Melika »

Killer moves back and forth in his cage, then climbs up the bars near my face all the while whistling "Pretty Bird", the wolf whistle, and other little bits of songs he's learned. Male tiels make great whistlers, though once they whistle they probably will not talk, hence why he whistles pretty bird instead of saying it. ^^

He should get more active as far as tiels go, but don't expect anything near what you see with your IRNs. Nothing near that at all.... lol.

Killer's favourite colour is yellow. You should have seen him when I was bird sitting a lutino tiel. LOL! He was all over her whistling like a nut and leaning- it was too cute. ^_^
I've been called 'birdbrained' before, but somehow I don't think this is what they meant. say:hah-nay
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