How do you start training and what do you do

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How do you start training and what do you do

Post by jenicar »

Hello, it is me, Jennifer again. Well, my bird is on my shoulder all the time, but I have no clue where to begin with training or anything. I would like to spend more time with Paco and gain his trust so he will bond. I just don't know where to begin with training or anything. Please help!!!! :? :?
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Post by ringneck »

Well from your previous post, you stated that Paco sits on your shoulder and just hangs out. What are his reactions when you take him from the cage? Does he willingly step on your finger/hand? I know many Ringnecks, most that were not socialized or have not been tamed, have a tendency to seek their cage. It’s almost as if they find you repulsive; to the point of preferring a life of bars, when only you want to enrich their life. This is fairly normal and my solution is for the long haul.

First, if your bird tries to escape to his/her cage, remove it. Remove it every time the bird is taken out of its cage to play. This will help keep the attention span on you, rather then its object of desire—the cage. Let your Indian Ringneck know that you’re there to be a friend. Offer the bird its favorite treats and play many games you know the Ringneck enjoys. An example might be to take the bird out and move the cage to a different room. Once the cage is gone, take your Ringneck and place him/her on the counter. As the bird walks back and forth, offer tad bits of his favorite treat. Slowly coax the bird to eat from your hand. Continue to repeat this until your Ringneck no longer sees you as an enemy.

About strengthening your bond. What you might want to do is trick training. This is great quality time that involves both you and the bird. Training is a great way to strengthen your bond together. Not only are you pretty much guaranteed to strengthen your bond, but you’re providing your bird a great service. You’ll lean your birds limitations and boundaries, but most of all, your bird will look forward to these sessions. I highly recommend clicker training.

What is clicker training? Clicker training is a fairly new method that is proving to be fantastic. Simply put, you’re encouraging certain behaviors through positive reinforcement. I use this method, from lovebirds to grays! What’s even more amazing is that Ringnecks tend to learn unnatural behaviors readily. They can easily show up larger parrots. These parrots are truly marvelous.

You’ll find that if you keep a schedule and continue to train your parrot, you’ll create a bond that will last a life time. Like a said, you’re in this for the long haul, but hard work and dedication will strengthen your bond and you might have a super star on your hand. :wink: Who knows?

Hope this helps!


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Great group! Have learned lots!
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