why is my bird hungry all the time?

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why is my bird hungry all the time?

Post by selma »

Ok so she gets her breakfast in the morning then she cries for my toast when i'm having my breakfast. Throughout the day she gets fruit and nuts and then her dinner before bedtime. However, even when she's sleeping and she hears the sound of a packet she will run from her bed to her perch and wait for us to give her whatever we're eating. I'm just wondering if she's maybe not getting enough food during the day. She never refuses anything although she will refuse her veggies which she's not very keen on.
How much does everyone else feed thier birds?
Posts: 71
Joined: Wed Aug 31, 2005 1:24 am
Location: QLD, Australia

Post by Carly »

She should have food available to her ALL the time, a dish of pellets is ideal. Birds are built to forage (look for food) all day, and their digestive system isnt built to have 3 meals a day, its built for constant snacking.

If she already has a constant supply of pellets, than I would suggest she isnt 'hungry' so much as craving attention or a taste of whatever you are eating.

My birds have pellets available all day and get a daily portion of fruit and veges.
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