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Post by joel1234 »


i have two IRNs, one male, one female. the male was hand riased and is a lovely bird that happily accapts my hand. my female on the other hand is not so easy.

i got her when she was about 2 and she was just a breeding bird, never been hand raised. she bites whenever u ask her to step up and u cant even touch her. i thought that by maybe letting her bite me and then by me not pulling my hand away this would show her that i am not afarid and not reavel me as a threat. this didnt work. she know thinks that its a game and gets really excited when i come to the cage and play with her. she bites and gets happy but still will not allow me to hold her. and itt is not by anymeans a friendly bite, she lunges forward at me.

(also i just had her wings clipped to help make it easier for me to get her out, just wonering if that would have made any difference)

is there anything that i can try that might help???
all advice appreciated

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Re: help!!!

Post by taywer321 »

I would start by no longer offering her your hand to bite.
I suggest making time every day to sit by her cage and simply talk to her through the bars. And take food. Be persistent in offering her bits of whatever you are eating. If she won't take it from your hand then drop it in her food bowl. If she moves toward the bowl to get the food allow her to do so and then PRAISE her in a soft kind voice.
Remember to PRAISE any desired behavior and IGNORE the undesired. Birds do not understand reprimand.
After doing this every day for a time, when you notice improvements in her behavior and temperament toward you, open the cage. Allow her to come to you as she desires. If you are persistent and make time to do this EVERY day, she will eventually become curious interacting with you the more she trusts you. But the trust is needed first.
Also I suggest allowing her to see you interacting with the friendly male. Maybe that will speed up the process for you.
Good luck!
Posts: 14
Joined: Wed Nov 30, 2011 10:16 pm

Re: help!!!

Post by joel1234 »

Thanks for the advice, ill give it a try!!

one thing, when i have my male and my female together, the female just tries to attck the male. this in turn makes the male a little uncomfortable himself and either, wants nothing to do with her or tries get her to leave by showing some aggresion. should i keep trying to socialise them or refrain until the famale becomes more comfortable with me, and then try later down the track???

thanks again, all help muchly appreciated!!
Sixty Fiver
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Re: help!!!

Post by Sixty Fiver »

From what I have been reading and experiencing first hand it does seem apparent that females have a higher probability to be aggressive and might I say, moody.

That, and they have been known to injure and even kill potential suitors... am thankful that Amore loves her silly yellow boy and although there is no baby making they have a lot of affection for each other.

As she is a little more reclusive his affections do a great deal to make her very happy while he is nearly everyone's bird and don't think there is anyone he has met and not liked.

Amore can be very sweet as well but is quieter and prefers to keep you company by perching on your shoulder and steps up readily and is getting quite comfortable with more contact, especially when she is in the right mood.

Sometimes that right mood involves me taking her with me to do things around the house so it is just she and I and then she does not get distracted by her boy toy.

Behaviour can change radically between the cage and when they are out... if your female's wings are clipped and she has to rely on your for some travel and security her attitude may change.
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