which will be a better pairing

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which will be a better pairing

Post by Lushen1600 »

Hi I bought a grey cock bird yesterday that's split for white so would like to know which will be a better pairing for this bird for the next season.
I have a grey female and a grey lacewing female at my disposal.
This will be the results according to the genetic calculator

First pairing is Grey male with Grey female

1.0 grey(sf) blue /ino
x 0.1 grey(sf) blue
% from all 1.0
12.5% 1.0 grey(df) blue /ino
25.0% 1.0 grey(sf) blue /ino
12.5% 1.0 blue /ino
12.5% 1.0 grey(df) blue
25.0% 1.0 grey(sf) blue
12.5% 1.0 blue
% from all 0.1
12.5% 0.1 grey(df) blue ino
25.0% 0.1 grey(sf) blue ino
12.5% 0.1 blue ino
12.5% 0.1 grey(df) blue
25.0% 0.1 grey(sf) blue
12.5% 0.1 blue
Calculated on 20 Oct 2011 07:14:40 , Prague

Second Pairing Grey male with Grey Lacewing female

  1.0 grey(sf) blue /ino
x 0.1 grey(sf) blue pallid
% from all 1.0
12.5% 1.0 grey(df) blue pallidIno
25.0% 1.0 grey(sf) blue pallidIno
12.5% 1.0 blue pallidIno
12.5% 1.0 grey(df) blue /pallid
25.0% 1.0 grey(sf) blue /pallid
12.5% 1.0 blue /pallid
% from all 0.1
12.5% 0.1 grey(df) blue ino
25.0% 0.1 grey(sf) blue ino
12.5% 0.1 blue ino
12.5% 0.1 grey(df) blue
25.0% 0.1 grey(sf) blue
12.5% 0.1 blue
Calculated on 20 Oct 2011 07:16:51 , Prague

So these are the results, just like to hear from others which pairing they would choose and why they would choose that pairing over the other. I posted this as a learning experience for me and other newbies and although the results are similar the differences between them can be important.

2014 Pairs
Green x Green
DGreen x DBlue
DE Blue/ino x DBlue
Grey/ino x Albino
Pallidino x Lutino
DE Blue Turq x Grey
DE Grey Turq x Blue
Greygreen/cinn x DE Blue Cinn
DE DBlue Turq x Blue Turq CHWT
Blue x DBlue Turq
Blue x Blue Pallid
Lutino/blue x Blue
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Re: which will be a better pairing

Post by rod038 »

Either one would be ok. All the young will look the same from either pairing. The only problem with going grey with grey is double factor greys. These when used in the future will only breed greys. You wont know which ones are double factor until they are bred a few times.
I would pair the Cock with a Green split Blue Hen instead. You will then get Albino, Lutino, Grey, Blue, Green, Grey Green. The young Albino and Lutino could be masking Grey though.
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Re: which will be a better pairing

Post by madas »

rod038 wrote:All the young will look the same from either pairing.
I think this is a rumor. As Lushen1600 posted the second pairing will produce PallidInos.

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Location: Pietermaritzburg, South Africa

Re: which will be a better pairing

Post by Lushen1600 »

Thanks Rod and Madas for the replies

Madas which pairing will you choose and what is the difference between a pallid and a pallidino

2014 Pairs
Green x Green
DGreen x DBlue
DE Blue/ino x DBlue
Grey/ino x Albino
Pallidino x Lutino
DE Blue Turq x Grey
DE Grey Turq x Blue
Greygreen/cinn x DE Blue Cinn
DE DBlue Turq x Blue Turq CHWT
Blue x DBlue Turq
Blue x Blue Pallid
Lutino/blue x Blue
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Re: which will be a better pairing

Post by Molossus2 »

I would use a turq lacewing to introduce the rainbow factor. This wll increase the range of expectations drastically.
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Re: which will be a better pairing

Post by dog_glenn123 »

The pallidino will be much lighter some are almost to the point of white.

I would go the second pair if thats your options but if you are able to go for
a turquiose blue pallid.

Similar to what Molossus said.

1.0 grey(sf) blue /ino
x 0.1 turquoise(parblue)Blue pallid
% from all 1.0
12.5% 1.0 grey(sf) blue pallidIno
12.5% 1.0 blue pallidIno
12.5% 1.0 grey(sf) turquoise(parblue)Blue pallidIno
12.5% 1.0 turquoise(parblue)Blue pallidIno
12.5% 1.0 grey(sf) blue /pallid
12.5% 1.0 blue /pallid
12.5% 1.0 grey(sf) turquoise(parblue)Blue /pallid
12.5% 1.0 turquoise(parblue)Blue /pallid
% from all 0.1
12.5% 0.1 grey(sf) blue ino
12.5% 0.1 blue ino
12.5% 0.1 grey(sf) turquoise(parblue)Blue ino
12.5% 0.1 turquoise(parblue)Blue ino
12.5% 0.1 grey(sf) blue
12.5% 0.1 blue
12.5% 0.1 grey(sf) turquoise(parblue)Blue
12.5% 0.1 turquoise(parblue)Blue

Thanks Glenn
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Re: which will be a better pairing

Post by Lushen1600 »

I decided to pair the grey/white cock to the grey lacewing hen for the next season and they are getting along fine the cock is a 2009 bird and is only getting his ring now during this moult and the hen is a 2010 bird so by next breeding season the cock will be 3 years and the hen will be 2 years, will be this an ok age to breed them at?

2014 Pairs
Green x Green
DGreen x DBlue
DE Blue/ino x DBlue
Grey/ino x Albino
Pallidino x Lutino
DE Blue Turq x Grey
DE Grey Turq x Blue
Greygreen/cinn x DE Blue Cinn
DE DBlue Turq x Blue Turq CHWT
Blue x DBlue Turq
Blue x Blue Pallid
Lutino/blue x Blue
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Re: which will be a better pairing

Post by thirdy »

Hi there. . .
Yes, they will breed succsessfully. I bred 3 females last year that were 2 years old. The one female gave me 6 eggs and 4 chicks hatch. The second female gave me 4 eggs and 3 hatch. And the last one gave me 4 eggs but only 2 hatch because there were to much noise around her aviary.
I hope I helped.
Last edited by thirdy on Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Location: Pietermaritzburg, South Africa

Re: which will be a better pairing

Post by Lushen1600 »

dog_glenn123 wrote:The pallidino will be much lighter some are almost to the point of white.
Thank Glenn for the reply, how would you then visually make out the difference between a pure albino and a pallidino that's close to white

2014 Pairs
Green x Green
DGreen x DBlue
DE Blue/ino x DBlue
Grey/ino x Albino
Pallidino x Lutino
DE Blue Turq x Grey
DE Grey Turq x Blue
Greygreen/cinn x DE Blue Cinn
DE DBlue Turq x Blue Turq CHWT
Blue x DBlue Turq
Blue x Blue Pallid
Lutino/blue x Blue
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