bird sex????

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bird sex????

Post by webvixen »

i was wondering how many people KNOW what sex their bird is or if you knew before it matured, and how did you find out eg, from the breeder or did curiosity get the better of you and you had to find out through dnd.

and is there anyone who was sure they had a girl called sue only to find out 2 years latter that sue is a boy :D

i dont care what sex my birds will be (are) :) but i was just wondering if most people know or find out before the 2-3 year mark
maybe this could be set up as a poll :?:
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Post by Jade »

I kinda always knew that my Chook was a boy. He just didn't act very feminine!! He just had the whole male behaviour thing going on and wasn't at all bitchy. My husband actually thought he was a girl and bet me a scratchie ticket that he was. I collected my $5 scratchie when he got his first little orange ring feather. HAHA. I had a feeling that was all. Same with my Chuckles and SUnny. They are only 1 but I'm pretty sure that Chuckles is another boy and SUnny is my girl, just from the way they act. I'll let you know in another year or so when they start to get rings or not!!
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Post by webvixen »

i know what you mean, im prety sure of the sex of my birds but i was just thinking it would be a hard habit to break saying good boy for two-three years then having to change it. :shock:
i was just wondering if everyone here is just waiting to see what happens or if some just cant wait and get the dna test done. cause curiosity is getting the better of me.
i suppose ill have to think of something that me and my gf can wager :roll: (3 birds i cant lose)
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Post by Mazziemom »

I knew in my heart that Buddy was a boy from the day I brought him home... the day after he weaned. We were so sure of it that we named him a very "boy" name... and were not the least bit surprised when his ring came in ;).

Now, my Alexandrine Alice was DNA'd by her breeder... but I fell in love with her face before I knew she was the girl.... I just adored her little sweet face! My friend owns Alice's brother ...she fell for his little face LOL...

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Post by kyria »

The breeder I brought Kai from said to me he was about 70% sure he was a boy. He was only 11 months at the time and compared to all the other IRN's he was the one with a rather prominant shadow of grey that looked like it may become a ring. Not sure if that means anything.

Since I have had him home, he has reminded me so much of my male cockatiel I had when I was a kid, the way he is so lean and smooth and slender and stands with his shoulders out. His feet are slender also. I picture a female to be more stocky and fatter feet, more compact you know. So for me too its a gut feeling and other hints that have me pretty damn sure he is a Male.

If he turns out to be a female I think I will probably faint.

I would have dna tested if I could afford to after buying him and the gear to make his cage and his toys and food and other spoily things for him.


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Post by Neokireina »

I am pretty sure Kiva is male because of the "display" dance he does. Wings out head taps the floor and he lets out two low whistles and jumps along. You can usually tell around 1 year old. I'm still guessing about growls. At first I thought it was male, now I think its a girl. But it's only 8 weeks old. I have a grey immature ringneck born last breeding season. He's putting the moves on a blue hen so I think he needs to be moved to the boys aviary.
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Post by selma »

We were told Bibou was a boy and from the beginning we would say what a good boy. He picked it up very quickly and there's not a day that goes by that he doesn't tell himself what a good boy he is. Now, however we are convinced that he is in fact a she. Bitchy behaviour, pale ring around the neck. So now i've started saying what a good girl. Hopefully she will pick it up and forget about the word boy.
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Post by Mikaela »

As mentioned, I just know Baby is a girl. She is very moody and so cute. But, she could prove me wrong because she certainly isnt prissy.

To this day (6 months old) she hasnt displayed any male nor female behavior. That would trip me out if she turned out to be a boy. I wouldnt know how to interact with her for a bit. It would throw me.
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Post by Melika »

I have a personal preference for males as pets so I call anything a He until proved otherwise, lol.

But I just love the rings on the males, so my sister (who also wanted a male) and we chose our chicks hoping for males. We picked the middle ones in the clutch (out of five hers is second oldest and mine, Hane, is third oldest- may I add I am also a middle child? lol) since they were the most placid and laid back. Alert, but laid back. Of course, they were only three and a half weeks old at the time.

And EVERY single bird I've picked has been the sex I wanted or chose for it, oddly enough.

And now I'm definitely sure Tsume is a boy since he has a large dark grey ring. But Hane I'm not willing to place bets on yet.

Though neither of them ever have ever shown female behavior, such as crouching with the head turned up. Hane will puff out his head feathers and tap the floor or his perch while making certain notes though. So I'm hoping!
I've been called 'birdbrained' before, but somehow I don't think this is what they meant. say:hah-nay
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