Love new baby but baby doesnt love me :(

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Love new baby but baby doesnt love me :(

Post by Mikaela »

Hey Ya'll!

I am new to the board and new to birdies. After a tremendous amount of research, I decided on a IRN. I am thinking of the name India, what do ya'll think? Of Course you can't tell for sure if it is a boy or girl at 8 weeks but it is believed to be a girl. The breeder I got her from said she was so sweet and tame already. All I had to do was hold her alot and feed her 20 cc's a day of baby food and she would love me forever. HA! Loves to bite me she must have meant! I am thinking this may be my fault. All of her bad behavior I put on myself although I have only had her 4 days. I have white tip nails and use to get really upset because she lunched when I went for her. Then it hit me DUH! my nails are the exact color of her syringe. Smart of me huh hehe. This new bird stuff is as hard as being a new Mommie... actually, my real babies required less hands on attention . Plus, they didn't bite me as hard hehe.

Ok, I tend to be vermose so I will get to it. I want so badly for my bird to be happy and love me half as much as I love her. I am so scared of doing something that will negatively effect our hopefully upcoming bond. I don't feel in my heart that little India was handled as the breeder said. I also realize now that 8 weeks is too early to go to a new home?

Another concern... Ms. Kitty. Ms. Kitty don't want to eat her (or maybe she does so I take extreme caution) but is in AHHH over her. Is it Ok to let Ms. Kitty watch the bird from the floor? India doesn't seem to mind. However, if the kitty puts her feet on the cage India poos alot. It is then I remove the kitty because the pooing seems like a sign of fright to me.

Something else that really gets to me, the breeder will never return my calls... not a good sign. Let me share what this new Mommie is doing and ya'll PLEASE tell me NO NO or good girl. I can take it. Anything to make India happy and feel loved and safe. Other words, please tell me what I am doing right and what I am doing wrong.
This is what I am doing:
To remove her from cage, as not to loose a finger, I ask her to 'step up' on a perch I am holding. When I bring her out of the cage I still have her on the perch but talk to her real soft and close to me. I tell her what a pretty bird she is and make a big fuss over her 'stepping up' at such an early age. Can you believe she learned this in three tries? Is it helping me or hendering me to remove her this way? She sure seems to enjoy that alot better and it is less tramatic for both she and I than when I reach in for her. Is this method of removal Ok for now?

To feed her, I remove her from the cage an hour before eating time. I let her have full run of the room I'm in. She usually chooses to hop on top of her cage though but rarely wants to actually go in it on her own, although she has. Once I get her out for awhile, I begin feeding her. I let her feed where she wants to. I don't hold her while feeding her or she is too busy trying to eat me. She can easily draw blood even at this young stage. I let her perch where she chooses and then I begin her feeding. After she eats (big eater which I am greatful for) I let her spend another hour with me. This hour is more hands on. I take her to the couch or the bed and talk to her from afar and hope she comes closer. She does but if I try to pet her she bows down and opens that beak as if to say "I dare you lady". I know I'm not suppose to pull back but no matter how hard I try not to, I always natually do. She is a hen with an attitude. She is the boss and I must stop this NOW. (I was abused as a child which may account for this or I am scared of a little birdie *sigh*.

She makes little noise but when she does I praise her by looking over at her and talking as if she was a real baby. I say stuff like 'What you doin' pretty bird. You want Mommie to talk to you huh? Then I whistle a little and talk alot as she watches me and turns her head as if she is actually listening to me. Guys, I am so in love with her. She rarely squacks and if she does I pretend not to hear her until she turns her voice to a soft chirp. She LOVES to hear her name. I say it with hi and low sounds like this... INdiA.

I have a husband and 4 children that promised to help me. I don't have to tell you that isn't happening. Noone helps me other than walking by the cage and telling her how pretty she is. She seems to know it is a compliment because she always makes her feathers stand a little puffier. Is that possible? Can she be THAT smart?

I will end this post now, however, this is just scimming the surface of all the help I need to make India happy and sweet cuz hunny she is alot of things but sweet ain't one of um.
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Post by Libby_D »

2 things are possible, and it os probably a mixture of both, one, most IRN's go through a stage called bluffing, look it up on this forum, there is tons of info on it. and 2, he'/she has pnly been there 4 days! He'she is probably still scared and still adjusting. Time and patients is all i can tell you. Good luck.
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Post by Mikaela »

Thank you Libby.... I am so in love. I am so scared that I am going to do something wrong. I need to relax and let India take me all in. I have taken that approach today and she has come to me alot! Flew from her cage to my desk to see me! Made me feel as if I must be doing *something* right.

Now, for some reason though, she has her left eye shut for about an hour and will not open it. Could she have scratched it while bathing? Or should I be worried?
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Post by Libby_D »

wait a while, sometimes they nap like that. Harley does it alot and so do m other fids. I know how u feel, been there too :) they keep one eye open to "keep an eye on things"
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Post by ringneck »

Dear Mikaela,

LoL!!! Nice choice of words describing your scenario! I was laughing so hard! Just thought I might share that with you :D :D 8)

Let’s start out with setting some rules down, especially for a female ringneck. Firstly, get those wings clipped. Clipping the wings makes a night and day difference. For some reason, having full flight makes the ringnecks a bit nippier. Having her wings clipped correctly will ground your female and make her more dependent on you. When India’s wings are clipped, she’ll begin to understand you call the shots—not her. This will make her rely more on you for movement around the house. Besides, what better way can you encourage her to bond with you when she is forced to depend on you?

Once you deal with the wings, start with your confidence! Trust me when I say this, a ringneck is very observant on body language and will quickly take control of the scenario if you are timid, especially females who are matriarchs. Building this type of behavior does take practice but should be started from day one. I am shocked that an unweaned baby ringneck is already testing its limits! So again, I don’t know how you are going to muster that confidence up— just do it!

You should practice keeping your female confided to the cage until you decided to open the door and let her out. She should not be wondering around the room without your supervision. Make it clear though your actions that you will place her on the floor, and you will take her to the counter, and you will take her to the play stand, etc…

( Please take into account that when she demands a trip to the play stand, ignore her loud chirps to get your attention. This will only enforce screaming and make things worse. Wait till she is quiet, and then proceed to help her to her destination. )

Now that we got mobility cleared up, let’s start with biting. I my opinion, using a perch to pick her up will only make things difficult than they are. At some point, she will want to get on your finger. If your bird knows how to step up already with the perch, start with your finger. Again, use confidence! If she bites, you should stop what your doing and walk away. I know… I know… you might be thinking this will enforce biting equals mommy to leave—but it wont. I’ll explain.

A handfed ringneck need and STIVES for our attention. Walking away from it is punishment that will make it think twice before it bites again. It wants you there more than anything to interact and play with you.

If you feel that she is going to bite, distract her with a toy, noise, or movement. Once she steps up—reward her with affection. Continue this several times until she gets it right. Expect nothing less than a perfect step up without a bite and she’ll catch on really quick. She should try to work for your reaction.

Also, two very important rules you should enforce. :!:

- No shoulders – I know it can be cool to walk around with your ringneck on your shoulder; however, this can turn into a huge problem. Archimedes my male ringneck was not allowed on my shoulder until after he passed his bluffing stage. Every time he tried, I moved him back down to my hand. Plus, facial bites HURT the most!

- No nibbling on fingers – That’s right! As cute as nibbling may seem, it should not be practiced. Nibbling eventually turns into biting. If your ringneck tries to nibble on your fingers, gently mover him or her, until your ringneck has stopped. Eventually the ringneck will come to associate this as unacceptable behavior. Never yell or react to behavior that you donot like, this will only enforce it.

Hope this helps and please keep us updated! :wink:

Best wishes, :wink: :wink:
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Post by Mikaela »

My goodness:
Thank you so much for all of your help. I am new to the board so it will take me some time to learn to navigate it. I just now saw your response. I will listen to EVERYTHING you said.

I know, no gloves, but for a short time may I use a real thin golf glove to make myself less timid? Iiiie, I know you're gonna say no :(
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Post by Mikaela »


*Dies laughing*

Look up your first post. :lol:
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by angie »

Gosh you were such a newbie huh!

hehe .. well I was Kyria before angie, as kyria Joined: 12 Sep 2005
Total posts: 1120 :shock: oh well not going there.. but here is my first post on the boards.. chuckle. ... ight=#2800


Plus Mickey and Mallory (now placed in a new home as a breeder) the wild females, Mickey is now paired with Kai and they are about to be parronts.
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Post by Dani03 »

Awww...Mik you were cute in your ignorance! What happened??? :P :lol: Love ya :wink:

Ok so you made me go and find mine... :oops: shhh no one laugh!

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Post by Mikaela »

I dont know if Im cute or ignorant. Thanks Dani. :roll:

Or did you mean I was ignorant in a cute way? lol

I dont know what brought me to look it up but lord have mercy, glad I found ya'll... for Baby's sake.

*puts a hunk of chocolate in Baby's beak and feels a little happier*

HA! (newbies, thats a joke... chocolate is a NO NO).
~ Mikaela Sky

Posts: 2487
Joined: Thu Jun 23, 2005 8:36 pm

Post by Dani03 »

Ah were ignorant in a cute way :P

Not anymore though...I think as newbies we all are...

Nah, give 'em a has peanuts...peanuts are good right? *ROTFLMAO* Sorry I had to...

Datsun and Family
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Post by Datsun and Family »

You guys are MAD :wink: I had such a chuckle to myself reading those old posts...

And so heres my first one back in January 2005

Poor Dats went from boy to girl to boy again... hopefully this time we have it right!!

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Post by angie »

huh! .. newbies is a chocolate in America ? lol that would be right


Plus Mickey and Mallory (now placed in a new home as a breeder) the wild females, Mickey is now paired with Kai and they are about to be parronts.
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Location: Islamorada Key, Florida U.S.A.

Post by Mikaela »

Leave it to me to start this, huh?

I almost died when I read mine... my god Baby would be dead had I not found this place. Or I would be severely maimed... who ever won the battle of wits.

We were all so cute! lol
~ Mikaela Sky

Posts: 2487
Joined: Thu Jun 23, 2005 8:36 pm

Post by Dani03 »

Baby would have gone the way of the dodo...outta there and into someone else's home for sure. Or left in his cage...who knows!

I don't even want to think where I would be without this group...

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