IRN Surgery

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IRN Surgery

Post by nadeneliz »

Hello all, I'm new here and have really been enjoying reading all your messages the past few days. My IRN, Maui, is 7 months old. She's a gorgeous cinamon blue. I got to bring her home when she was about 10 weeks old. I've really worked with her pretty faithfully,with her abusing me and all, and it seems that she's finally getting over her vicious ways!

But last week a terrible accident happened. I don't know how but she tore her abdomen open just below her vent area! The vet said it was a lucky thing it happened way down low or else she'd have her intestines spilling our. It sounds really grose but all I saw was a little bleeding. Doctor ordered surgery and Maui has been such a trooper! She plays and makes all her usual noises and is eating good. So I'm not worried about her recovery.

Here's the problem. Looks like we are really set back in training and taming. She flies to the floor whenever I ask her to step up. Oh, did I mention all those antibiotics I have to maake her drink 2x a day? I'll bet the mere sight of me makes her cringe! So VERY sad!

By the way, I did do a careful search of her cage to try and figure out how she got hurt. It's a Mystery. I have other birds, a lesser sulfer crested cockatoo named Thor, 2 cockatiels named Jack and Whitey Boy, and 2 budgies. She didn't get tore up by them.

So, what do you think? Some relationships can be forever damaged. I hope not mine and Maui's, though.
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Post by Mikaela »

Thank god you were home. Thank god the bleeding was controlled. It obviously wasnt your birdies time to go and thank god for that too.

You dont allow the birds to roam free, right? Which accounts for the mystery? You have no other animals? I would have to get to the bottom of what cut my baby but between now and then I would remove all things in her cage they MAY have hurt her. I cant believe her bleeding was that controlled. Amazing.

Will she turn on you? I doubt it... you saved her. These birds are smart as any 2 yr old but usually are more comparable to a 5 yr old as far as intellect. She knows you saved her, believe me.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by nadeneliz »

We have 2 dogs, always in the back yard, never in the house. I have investigated everything in that cage and her play gym which she was sitting on when I discovered the injury. I am truely baffled!

She's been not allowed much time out of her cage for eight days now because she tries to fly and lands on the floor with a scary thud. Once she reopened her wound that way. She has always done that but now with those stitches in her I really can't stand it! It drives me batty! I was so upset when she got hurt and then when she fell on the floor it was just too much. I was pacing back and forth with an upset stomach for hours. I called the vet and she said surgery again but this time I didn't have enough money to pay for it a second time ( 300.00). There was no bleeding and I decided just to watch her for a while. If she had taken a turn for the worse I would have had to have her put to sleep. So as you can imagin I was very nervous. Next morning she was looking and acting great! What a terrific girl! Yeah? She's almost all better now, but not enough to give her time out of the cage just yet.

She has follow up appt with the doc this week.
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Post by Mikaela »

How is your baby doing these days?

Did you ever find out how in the world she hurt herslef so badly? I know that has to bother you, being afraid it will happen again.

Bless both ya'lls hearts.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by Neokireina »

It does sound like a terrible setback but as long as she is ok then you can just start again, with time and effort your bird will tame. If you still need any help after she is better, tell us what you do to try and tame her and we will all help and work out how you can get your bird to trust you. One of my birds really didnt like me when I had to give him medicine. But They do get over it. So dont worry.
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Post by nadeneliz »

Maui is doing great! She must be a really tough cookie, because her wound was really horrid. It actually has taken about a month to heal. Her tails feathers are almost all gone. She would snap them right off when she was trying to clean down there. Also damage three blood feathers creating one bloody mess after another! Sure kept me on my toes for awhile. She's been much more friendly since she's been getting better. Still a little nippy but I'm not worried as a I was before.

I really appreciate you checking back in on us. That's so terrific of you. :wink:
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Post by Neokireina »

Thanks for the update, It's great to hear that you and your bird are doing so well. Its also great to hear you still have all your fingers :P *jk* good job on making progress even with her condition.
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