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What to do first with my IRN?

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 7:01 am
by AnthonyN
It's me again, I know I haven't been on in a long time. My baby blue IRN is doing good, named him Raja, and he's eating great and all. Oh, and whenever i start giving him a good scratch he starts making cute noises! Anyways, he's about 7 months now and I know I should of started earlier but just couldn't, sooooo....Should I teach him tricks first or to speak? Like should I teach him to fly to me on command and stuff, I've already target trained him, made him follow the little stick and bite it all around his cage, i love how he woddles :D .

If I were to teach him to speak, is it simple as just sitting down with him and holding him infront of me and just repeating a simple word such as "Hi"

Hope to hear from someone soon :)

P.S - I know you need a bout 10-15 min everyday with your bird. But is it ok to do that more than once a day :mrgreen:


Re: What to do first with my IRN?

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 4:00 pm
by U.S Marine
Hell yeah. I answered your last question! lol.