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Are females more likely to go through bluffing?

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 7:00 pm
by Bryan
Are females more likely to go through bluffing? And when females go through bluffing does it last longer then when males go through this stage? :?:

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 11:10 pm
by ringneck
Hey Bryan

Good topic! Working with ringnecks, I think it’s safe to say females are more prone to bluffing than males. Why? Simply put, female ringnecks are matriarchic, which means they don’t like rules. When it comes to ruling the roost, they literally hold their ground.

While observing my ringnecks, and other pairs, I can’t help but notice how the females wear the pants. Most males are smart enough to avoid a confrontation with a female, most just run. So back to bluffing!

Now how does this relate to why females are more prone to bluffing than males? They are genetically hardwired to be in control, and bluffing is probably a stage designed just for that—to test their limits.

This does not mean that females make horrible pets, because once they learn who is in control, they quickly become submissive and very loyal.

Hope this helps and good poll question! :wink:

I answered yes!

Best wishes,

Imran Chaudhry

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 12:06 am
by Bryan
Thank you for your reply; you answered my question straight away. I wanted to get a female because they form a stronger bond to their chosen person. But now I am re- thinking because I am scared of the bluffing stage. :oops:

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 2:47 am
by Mikaela
Girls are hardheaded, they try to get a little higher on the pole everyday, you have to knock them back down or they get awful attitiudes. Fast too, within a day sometimes.

My girls nips at my randomly. I am forever reminding them this isnt going to work. I put my finger on their beak pushing down and give an unapproving noooo no bite! They then bow their heads. They SO know what they are doing and pray we arent onto them :lol:

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 8:13 pm
by Bryan
What does everyone think, should i get a girl or a boy?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 1:25 am
by Melika
I like the males. But I'm always partial to males anyway- from dogs to horses I'd prefer a male anyday. They tend to be more well-rounded and calmer. It really depends on what you think you can handle. If you want a female, then get one. :)

I don't think males are less prone to the first bluffing stage. But I do think that later in life females are crankier while the males are more mellow.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 2:12 am
by Julz
And if u still cant decide, then i would get a chic that is about ten days old, handrear that, and whatever it turns out to be keep it, thats what i do. :wink:

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 3:53 am
by Mikaela
I second Julz... I adopted and older girl and I hand-raised my Baby. There is a very different connection I have to Baby, although rest assure, I love Boo very much as well.

Baby sees me as her Mom. She listens well and tried much harder to please me. Easy to adapt to any situation is is always happy.

Then Ol'Boo: Bless her heart, her nerves are all the pieces all the time. She spooks easy. She begs for me one minute, nips at me the next. I am beating around the bush, to put it bluntly, she was abused in a previous home, probably by a man. Not to please, but because she is nervous, on sight of a man she immediately begins talking and fluffing... and yes, trembling. My boys and even my husband have worked with her but she is still so afraid of them. She is still curious towards them though so I know there is hope.

I think she has issues with both neglect and abuse so she is a basket case. Very different bird than the one I hand raised. Knowing this, I would NEVER go pre-owned again, only hand raising.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 11:29 pm
by ringneck
It all depends on what you’re looking for. I picked a male because I love their little display. I know.. I know… it’s a selfish thing to do!

Females make great pets too. Don’t be alarmed with bluffing. It’s not that bad. I have seen many go through it and the name says it all—Bluffing.

Hope this helps :wink:

P.S. Both make great pets!

Best Wishes,

Imran Chaudhry

what is bluffing .........elaberate for me please!>?

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 11:10 am
by Melissabirdowner
Bluffing ....what s that mean for a ring neck .....

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 6:05 am
by peter_dvs
ayyyy bryan.Dis is peter lars from skool i personally think females like 2 bite alot more then males. But i can debate that becoz my female and male ringnecks who r tame outside in the aviary also like 2 bite so really its a tough call. But i think females go through through bluffing.But i have had males that have been through bluffing.

Re: what is bluffing .........elaberate for me please!>?

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 6:14 am
by Melika
Melissabirdowner wrote:Bluffing ....what s that mean for a ring neck .....

Bluffing is a period where they lunge and pretend or actually bite you.

Bluffing -Girls or Boys

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 6:20 am
by Spaingler
Well, I had a male Lutino that I finished hand feeding from about 4 wks. of age. He turned out to be a Wonderful pet, NEVER tried to bite me, EVER. No bluffing ,no nothing. I moved from the US to Spain and left him with my sister. Knowing she really enjoyed him, I decided to leave him there and get another. I took a chance on finishing handfeeding a blue this time. Didn`t know if it was M or F but I think by now , according to the lack of ring, it is a female. She began bluffing from day one. Trying me every single day for months and month. Constantly trying to attack my face and lips. I had to make sure she did not get on my shoulders. I was dissapointed in her to say the least. This summer we had to remodel the house so I put her outside on the terrace for 4-5 Mos. without taking her out of the cage,just feeding and caring for her and talking to her. I put my hand in the cage and she would flap around like crazy. Today I decided to bring her back in the house as it is getting cool. I set her cage up, opened the door to it and went and sat down. She came right out of the cage and began looking for me to pick her up. She stepped up right away with no bluffing and has been talking to me alot. She made one little nibble on my ear, nothing hard but she is being good. I sure hope it lasts.
Now, would I buy a Girl or a Boy? Definetly a Boy. Just my opinion.

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 4:55 pm
by Klaatu
:lol: This is a perfect place for a very sexist joke. About females and hormones. :twisted: But since there are so many lovely ladies here I won't. :wink:

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 1:57 am
by azringneckfound
Hmmmmm are we sure that bluffing is just a stage??? It seems to be part of who they are by reading many of these posts..lolol