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Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 6:56 pm
by skittles
Hello everyone, we will be traveling soon, and have not found anyone to keep Skittles that we feel would be a good place to for her to be for a few days. (1 person keeps their birds covered day and night, NO interaction, one smokes, one burns candles and keeps glade going night and day, she told me she would turn it off, but I don't know if I can trust her)

Any advice on road trips with IRNs? I don't think she would mind the road trip too much, it took us over 3 hours to get her home, she didn't seem to mind. We will be staying with relatives who understand birds, and at least there I could be taking care of her and know she was safe!

any advice would be appreciated!

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 6:45 pm
by eggy
car trips with birds can be stressing to them or extremely fun.
you will need a small cage for the trip with food and water. how much time it spends in it's cage depends on the bird, if it doesn't take ever-changing surruondings very well, it will get stressed and stay in its cage, if this is the case, talk softly and reassure her and cover half the cage with a towl so she feels protected and can peak from behind the towl and slowly build confidence.

but if she's confident with the car she will find it fairly amusing to stare out the window (and wil propably 'taste' her surruondings).

and make sure she gets exercise and doesn't get bored, so some new toys would be good, but no big toys or he might get to over whelmed by the experience... and let him explore the cage he'l be in before you go so he gets familiar with it.


Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 11:51 am
by skittles
Thanks for the advise. We ended up cutting our trip short, and leaving Skittles for 2 days at my dad's. He is pretty good with birds, although I had to give him a bunch of info. Skittles did not like the move. She HATED IT!!!

She tried to bite him all the time. She tried to bite me while we were at Dads. I brought her home, put her in her old cage, and she calmed right down. I guess she is just a home body!