lorry mix and egg food

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lorry mix and egg food

Post by riantango08 »

i recently attended the bird expo in my area and was given a show bag that contained a kilo bag of lorikeet mix and a small bag of egg food
am i able to give these to my ringnecks as treats.
the lorikeet food can be eaten wet or dry and the egg food has to be mixed with sufficient water to make a crumbly mash.
would these be ok for them to eat
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Post by bec »

never tried the lorikeet mix on irns but my guys all LOVE!!!!!!!!the egg & buiscut mix most of them will come to me to eat it off the hand rearing spoon!
(i discovered this while hand rearing skeet)
U.S Marine
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Post by U.S Marine »

Yes, those treats should be just fine.
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Post by julie »

Egg and biscuit mix yes, Lorrie food is a nectar mix and most ring necks don't go much on it.
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