Love Bites or Jealousy??? ACK!

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Love Bites or Jealousy??? ACK!

Post by RubyTuesday »

So I was talking on the phone with Ruby on my shoulder. I made a kissing noise, and he LUNGED and nipped at my face! :shock:

He didn't break the skin but it was hard enough that I now have this mini vampire bite on my cheek. :oops:

This afternoon, my mom leaned into kiss him, too, while sitting on my shoulder and he did the same thing! Almost taking her lips off

Is he jealous or what???

Also, is there away I can get him to stop being afraid of my fingers everytime I go to scratch his head? Ruby seems to only want my fingers near him when I have him step up or step off.

~ kk :roll:
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Post by Mikaela »

Maintaining eye contact freaks them out. If their eyes are flashing, watch out... they aint diggin' whats going down. I look at my girls chest and glance in their eyes often.

Gotta remember, these are usually one person birds and will only allow one person near them. That person, in this case, is obviously you. He probably bite you because you freaked him out by accident. No more shoulder time for awhile. This is not to be taken lightly. He needs to know next time he gets up there he had better act like he has good sense. Please have respect for the power of those little beaks.

Remember... it is Ok to be a stern Mommie. A good, firm Noooo is well understood. Not loud but say it like you mean it and look right at him.

Im sorry he nipped you :cry: If you are anything like me, it probably hurt your feelings as badly as the bite.
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Post by ScarletKnight »

bs mikela these are birds they communicate by their beaks and the beak acts as a third arm. You shouldn't ahve your feelings hurt, but you are absolutely right on one part about not lettign them bite but no shoulder time is bad also.
What i would do is when he bites i would take them and put them back and say no biting. Then come back even a sec later with a happy cheery voice. No soulder time is a punshishment and the bird will not associate the biting with no soulder time unless it is done at the time the incidence occurs.
thats how i have taught macaw and cag not to bite for my neighbor and it works great. also liek i said if the bird is young get them used to be handled by alot of people your kids, husband, grandmother what ever i have seen wild caught irn turn around with attention and a velvet firm hand
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Post by carrie »

My first encounter with an ear nip was when I was on the phone also. I have learnt now to put her up when the phone rings because she screams and bites - doesn't like it at all! I have also had a chunk taken out of my bottom lip and that was after I was making kissing noises at her. Well I have learnt not to do that anymore either! Maybe it's something to do with the noise???
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Post by Mikaela »

Im sorry Scarlet but I strongly disagree with you. If a bird is biting you in the FACE when he is having shoulder time, shoulder time needs to be removed, this is NOT to be taken lightly. I have known Irns to literally split ones ear, thereby making that person appear to have two ear lops. I assume she doesnt chose to sport this look, therefore, keep the bird OFF your shoulder until he is more predictable. It has nothing to do with association to biting it has to do with maintaining ears.

I would also like to say there are mature ways to disagree and not so mature ways. We thrive to keep this board positive. Therefore, we can NOT have one board member referring to another members advice as 'BS'. It makes us all look unknowledgable, making newcomers feel as if we dont even know what we are talking about. And worse, making them not feel comfortable with posting or becoming members. Lets look at the big picture. We want to maintain a friendly environment, free from assault, where anyone can feel comfortable enough to post about anything. Hope this is the last of this behavior from any of us. If you feel the need, PM me and we will take this in private. Otherwise, know I still lub ya buddy. Nothing personal. *big hug*

Also, Lets all please refrain from referring to our friends/board members advice as BS, we dont need that around here. Negative doesnt work here. Disagreements, fine... discredediting other members advice, not fine. Be it my advice or any other member. You don't want to be seen as another "gimmick" do you? I know you better than this... bad mood? :cry:

Anyway, back to business... until the bird is more predictable I advise you to not allow shoulder time. That could have been your eye, explain that to your mother hehe. One must have the UPMOST respect for those powerful beaks. If not, you are playing with fire. I dont like the idea of being marked for life, as Im sure you dont, so please... heed my advice and keep him down until he is more predictable.
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Post by IMR4N »

Quite right this is a peaceful board know need for aggression. If you disagree with someone you should just give advise that you think is more suitable and we could try each and see which suits us best.

Scarlet the statement that you made “bs mikela these are birds they communicate by their beaks and the beak acts as a third arm.” I can’t recall mikaela saying any thing about the way these birds communicate. And I’m sure by no shoulder time she meant until he settles in and is less jumpy not as a punishment. All birds are individuals and respond differently. As some humans communicate with there mouths others communicate with there hands. I don’t see how Birds communicate with there beaks they use body language for this; they use there beaks as a means of getting to food, to move around and balance on branches and if necessary as means of defence. I mean since you have tamed a macaw and a Congo African Grey you should know this. also I don’t see how their beaks act as 3rd arms when they have no arms to start with???? Maybe just 1 arm lol.

“You shouldn't ahve your feelings hurt, but you are absolutely right on one part about not lettign them bite but no shoulder time is bad also.” Its like saying not to have your feelings hurt if your child is violent and lashes out at you swears and beats you. Think about it… I didn’t spend much time with my bird due to work and college but he was excited to see me when I was around (you know absence make the heart grow fonder). Mind he was never on his own. I also have a CAG and a very busy household. He now goes most places with me shopping days out with friends and just for walks.

Your training method is also a good one. But it al depends on how and what the bird responds to.

(Sorry if anything I have said sounded hostile it didn’t mean to)
Datsun and Family
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Post by Datsun and Family »

My birds are not allowed shoulder time unless I specifically allow it by placing them on the shoulder. As soon as ANYTHING happens up there.... a scream, a bite, not stepping up when I ask... they are immediately removed and it has to be earnt back.

I dont see it as punishment but good behaviour equals treats and trust. A bird sittting up that high thinks it is GOD and ruler of everything below him, because you are close enough to eye level he pushes boundaries and it can lead to behavioural problems later.

I know its a pain to have to hold your bird in your hand and shoulders are such easy babysitters but I agree totally with Mikaela it can be easily misused and I strongly advise limited shoulder time.

Please everyone, we are all here because we love our birds, IRNs are amazing and fascinating creatures. I come here to offer support, share advise and get it in return. Not every bird can be helped the same way and everyones advice is valid and heartfelt.
"You can't get the big picture if you're not educated"

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Post by Mikaela »


I appreciate the back-up I received on my 'BS' advice. At the rate this post was going, the poor girl had to be confused, thus leading to a loss of an eye or ear. ACK!

There will be no more discrediting of anyones advice in such a manner. This board is AWESOME and full of nice people. It is only nice, respectful people that are welcome here because we dont come here to have to read through a bunch of bickering to finally get a straight answer. We come here to be among friends that share a passion.

It is fine to disagree but in order for this board to maintain its integrity we must disagree maturely. It is always a good idea to have some good back up info/education to add when disagreeing or we just look like heals.

Newcomers must feel safe posting, knowing there will not be an upcoming attack. This thread, because of one person, doesnt make me proud, as I am sure it doesnt other members.

I have hopefully resolved this issue and it is squashed. I am not hyper-sensitive. We just cant say someones advice is 'BS' and maintain credibility. Especially if the advice offered was true and correct, which I believe it was from what I have learned via my research. We must disagree and then offer advice as to why we disagree. It is then we can all learn something. I feel in my heart that is what Imran, as well as all of you, would like the board to be maintained.

For whom said "it"... it is squashed and we all learned a valuable lesson... be nice when disagreeing or it ruffles everyones feathers. No room for disrepect around here. Text is often read much differently than it was meant so I try very hard to re-read what I say to ensure I didnt offend. I harbor no bad feelings and will think no more about it. I hope "he" can do the same. No drama! Too symbolic of most boards which is what we try to stay away from.

This is my happy place. Im sure many of you feel the same way. I will do all I can, always, to ensure this board stays that way. Sorry to all that had to be witness to this.

If any of you feel this thread should be removed, let me know. I feel it needs to stay so everyone learns from it but it is a double-edged sword because of new-comers. Hrm *thinks* What would Imran do?
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by RubyTuesday »

Can't we all just get along? :roll: glad to see it's all worked out though. no fighting/no biting ;)

I've decided that if Ruby takes a chunk out of my cheek for real next time I'm selling his precious beak on the black market to pay for corrective surgery. ;-P nah. jk! jk!

Great advice, from everyone! I've just been putting him back down in his cage whenever he misbehaves on my shoulder for ten minutes, and then coming back to praise him... seems to be working. Also no more shoulder time while talking on the phone.

he's definitely bonded with me, and doesn't really appreciate the company of others. But anymore misbehaving, it's time out for sir Ruhbarb!

~ kk :wink:
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Post by Mikaela »

My girls act up when I am on the phone too, even if they are out doing their own thing. I wonder if phones put out a certain frequency? Or maybe they think we are talking to them when noone else is around, not like they understand someone is one the other end so when they react and they are ignored they are like DAGGONE I have to bite her to make sure she is still alive! :lol:
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by Melika »

They bite because when you're on the phone you're not paying attention to them. To themselves they are all that's interesting and we should be absorbed in every movement they make. They discipline us when our attention is divided. :twisted:

I noticed with all my birds that daily shoulder time, for periods longer than ten minutes produced cocky birds who would bite for attention or refused to get down. I like to limit shoulder time to times when I need both myhands. Such as when prepping his food (chopping veggies, no worries though- I'm great with knives and he hasn't gotten spooked yet, lol), cleaning his playstand, etc. Even then, most of the time I'll set him on the back of the comp chair or on the sofa, even sometimes the floor since he doesn't wander out of the room I'm in- unless he's chasing the dogs!

I think shoulder time should be dictated by the bird's attitude.
I've been called 'birdbrained' before, but somehow I don't think this is what they meant. say:hah-nay
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Post by Mikaela »

I totally agree with limited shoulder time. My Peek-a-Boo lives for it but I cut her time down tremendously because she thought each time I went to be with her she was going to climb up... naauh aint gonna be like that epecially considering she would bite (her bites only tickle, not a mean bone in her body but it is the principle) when I tried to remove her.

Her last Mom gave her all day shoulder time, not knocking her but that was her way so this has been an issue with me and Peek. She gets as long as she wants, as long as she steps up for me off my shoulder. The first time she refuses/resists, shoulder time if over. She has caught on.

Baby... she is vicious but in a 'hey im tiny so I have to be cocky' way. My husband says she and I share the same personality, not sure that is a compliment. :oops: I would never let her on my shoulder again for awhile... waaaaaaay too unpredicatable. Not only that, she thinks my diamonds are food and peaks at them. She thinks everything is food... PIG. Some would say "take off your earrings" Not an option with teenagers that think everything belongs to them. My jewels stay on my body, they'll have to remove the stones from my body as I sleep :lol:
~ Mikaela Sky

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