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mating season???

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 6:47 pm
by Jonathan18
does anyone know when mating season for irns is here in Texas, or the United States?
my female irn seems to be getting in her nest box quite often, when im not looking that is, and i was wondering if mating season was near?
well hope someone can help me :)

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 12:45 pm
by skray
Ringnecks here in the states will usually start breeding around December or January if you contorl their lighting.
If your hen is going in the nest box now have you done somthing to your lights ?Maybe they had 8-9 hours and now they have say 10-12.Some increase in the lights will start getting them in the mood.


Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 7:43 pm
by Jonathan18
well i have my ringnecks outside, so i dont know how many hours of light they get. ummm the male irn was trying to get on the female the other day, but he wasnt succesfull, i think... ok well it looks like she might start laying in a month or so. thanx for your help, :)

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 4:18 am
by Mikaela
He should have started out with a little wine and some soft music. Have the 'what girls like before they let you do them' talk with your son, please.

Females are a confusing species, help him along. :lol:

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 11:21 pm
by Jonathan18
lol, yeah he should of started that way. i'll talk to him, maybe it'll help :)