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A few birds I got

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 12:28 am
by pinkdevil
I had a phone call a couple of days ago asking if I would be interested in taking on a few birds from a guy who has cancer and can no longer look after his birds.
I didn't really have the room for any more birds, especially during breeding season but went for a look anyway.

Well I took pity on these birds as they were in a small hexagonal aviary measuring aprox 7 foot high and aprox 1.5 meters wide and deep. They were all in together so I brought them home.

I got 4 Eastern Rosellas, 3 have no tail but are slowing growing back. Aprox 7 Red Rumps.

Here is the Rosellas


2 of the 3 stumpies...


and the Red Rumps...


Mum dad and kids...


I have them all together at the moment as like I said I didn't have any spare avairies and had to re arrange my birds to fit them in. I am hoping to get another aviary buit very soon so they can have their own space. :)

At least they are in a bigger aviary so hopefully they will get along fine until I get another aviary.
The size they are in now is aprox 7 foot tall, 4 foot wide and about 7 foot long, bigger than what they were in.

I have introduced fruit and veg and will worm them, so hopefully they will pick up a bit of condition.

A few birds i got

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 3:02 am
by Tyeman
Too bad about the guy with cancer sounds like the birds have had it rough aswell, Im sure you will have them back in good health soon.

Re: A few birds I got

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 3:39 pm
by Gemma
i used to have a red rump back when i had my avairy and i love the sounds that she used to make. so pretty, sadly the avairy blew over in the wind and all my birds flew away :( sad times

Re: A few birds I got

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 8:25 pm
by pinkdevil
That is a shame.

I later found out the birds were wild caught from a bird trap set in his yard. So I ended up opening the aviary door and setting them all free again once they had gained a bit of health back. It took 2 days for a couple of the red rumps to leave the aviary. I left the door open a few days after they left just incase they needed a free feed. I did see a few hang around for a while but they eventually left. It was sad to see them go as I really liked them, but it was also a good feeling they were back to where they were born.

Re: A few birds I got

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 10:18 pm
by Gemma
i think i would have let them go too, if i found out that my birds were from the wild. they would be happier there if they were originally wild birds :)