Playtime is the best time!

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Playtime is the best time!

Post by Mikaela »

Here is a pic of "baby" in her element. Fun fun fun, ahhhh what a life!


You can view more pics of the stand I made in the photo forum under 'home sweet home'. It is home made but she loves it.

Is posting pics on this board frowned upon? I love to see ya'lls birds but don't want to ruffle anyone's feathers hehe.
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Post by Neokireina »

I think pics are great. I have some pictures of my birds in the gallery here

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Location: Islamorada Key, Florida U.S.A.

Post by Mikaela »

~ Mikaela Sky

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Joined: Fri Oct 07, 2005 2:42 am
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Post by Neokireina »

Above are my two new bappys Angel and Growls.
They do growl alot but not much anymore. This means they are uneasy or nervous. They have two other calls at this age. One is two or three chirps in a row almost like a contact call the other is some soft whining which i assume is hungry..

They are about 3-4 weeks old and sit in my lap most of the day. Angel is very timid and keeps her head buried under growl. And growl well he sits up and looks around. Flaps his wings and goes for a walk around my lap. Angel is the older bird so it doesnt seem to be a growing up thing.

Angel hardly eats anything at all and shies away from the spoon. Growls would eat the spoon and the entire bowl if you'd let him. Already these birds seem to be as different as night and day and they are only a few weeks old!
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Location: Islamorada Key, Florida U.S.A.

Post by Mikaela »

When I bought Baby, I was new to birds and actually had my eye on a baby sun conure. But there was just something about Baby. Irns just look nice, preened, always tip-top.

Also, Baby was only a few weeks old which meant immense amounts of bonding and work. You just 'know your bird' when you see it. And my bird was Baby.

I felt ashamed a little when I bought her because I did buy her for her beauty and I had never done any research or EVEN heard of an Irn but I knew I was up for the challenge.

The breeder was VERY honest in Irn's personality traits and told me she was a girl. Up until then I totally trusted him but then that worried me... I was smart enough to know he couldnt know short of DNA so I called him on that. His response was in a hush voice "I tell all customers my Irn babies are girls to prevent them from buying and then not loving the bird when it turns out not having the beautiful ring. To me, that made sense.

He told me of the horror I had coming, of the challenges ahead, of the bites, of the attitudes, of the love, the loyalty, the dos and donts and most of all, he proved to me I could handle her and she wouldnt break. I was lucky enough to find a good breeder, by mistake.
~ Mikaela Sky

Posts: 864
Joined: Fri Oct 07, 2005 2:42 am
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Post by Neokireina »

I got into ringnecks because of my friend and roomate at the time. Ringecks were the only birds he liked so he bought Niamh. After losing my cockatiel Jirra I wanted something as affectionate and cuddly as Jirra was. I was attracted by the stunning colours and the personality of Sun conures so I bought Bappy from a breeder I met through the bird club.

When my friend was getting ready to move out I just had to have a Ringneck of my own because I knew I was going to miss Niamh who I call chicken. Thats when I got Kiva. Niamh taught Kiva everything about being a ringneck down to the display dance so I dont miss chicken so much. Tho chicken still comes over to visit for a few days every now and then.

Having split up the two ringnecks both my friend and I decided they needed partners. So now I'm raising Angel and Growls to become companions to our ringnecks.
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