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Help needed with my New intimidated IRN

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 1:42 pm
by Drara
Dear Friends Hello

I would appreciate the help of the experts here with IRN's.

Last Thursday I have brought home my new (hand fed) Blue IRN, about 4 months old.
I bought it from a private seller (not the actual breeder) and when I was at his house I held the IRN on my hands and she was very quiet and not biting at all but also looked intimidated.

First day she was home, she was very quiet and barely moving. She stood at one place in the cage and was very afraid. It is now the third night home, and she already adapted her self to her new surrounding. she eats and climbs all around the cage. she also already plays with all the toy's in the cage and even makes some noise and also so called talking to her self...


1. She mostly does all that when I am in an other room or out of home.
Well, if I enter the room where her cage is, she stops playing and talking etc...

2. On the second day home, when I tried to approach her cage trying to hand her a treat, she right away ran back to a back corner of the cage and she keeps on runing to back of the cage when ever I come too close.

Well, I know that parrots need their time to observe their new home. I also know that most people would say, don't try to force her out of the cage etc...
Actually, I also left the cage door open for hours during the day on Saturday, but she didn't show any interest of coming out.

She is a hand fed parrot but I guess that the seller didn't provide her with much attention and now she is afraid of me, despite the fact that when I am not around her cage she feels very happy already.

What and how should I do, in order to gain her trust and make her wanna come to me or at least want to receive the treat that I offer her through the bars of her cage? and How long would it take to have her finally wanna come to me?

Re: Help needed with my New intimidated IRN

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 12:41 pm
by sanjays mummi
My bird was the same at first, But, she was Aviary hatched and Parent reared, this doesn't sound like a hand reared birds behaviour at all. You didn't actually meet the breeder, you can only go by someone elses word. My advice is to treat her like a semi feral aviary hatched bird, and have lots of patience, she is in strange surroundings, with unfamiliar faces, approach slowly, quietly, and only do the absolute necessary, after another couple of Weeks you should see a marked difference. Sit by the cage, talk and sing nursery rhymes, eat your meals next to the cage, she will be so curious she will start asking for morsels of your food. Then once she trusts you, you can start leaving the cage door open.