The story of Tyco my rescued Cag

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The story of Tyco my rescued Cag

Post by Raja's_mom »

Last Oct. my daughter phoned me she said I was at a after the bar closed party last night and in the back room I saw a small cage covered with a heavy blanket. So I ask the guy what kind of bird was in there and he told me it was the meanest African grey he ever met and that his ex girlfriend had left it there the year before when she moved back to Ontario. My daughter said she looked into the cage and it had so much poop on it the water was green and all it had to eat was a few peanuts. She said the guy is a crack head and did nothing but suck on a pipe the whole time she was there. I was beside myself being the bird lover that Iám I said take my there right now. It was around 3:p m when we arrived at this house. I asked the guy if he wanted to sell his bird. the first thing out of his mouth was sure you got 800 dollars. well I didn't I had 300 so I said well mabie can I see the bird. I followed him into the back room where this poor bird was still covered with a heavy blanket. I ask why the bird was covered at 3 in the afternoon and he said oh it makes to much noise so I just keep it covered. I couldn't quite beleive what I had just heard and uncovered the bird. this bird started paceing back and forth and streaching towards me a soon as it saw me so I opened the cage and Tyco literly jumped up onto my arm. the guy looked at me and said that bird hates everyone how did you do that Tyco let me give her beaky rubs and even a kiss on the top of her beak. Her cage was 18x18 a cocateil cage at best. it was covered from top to bottom with piles of poop and peanut shells. I said don't you ever clean this bird and his answer was why the bird hates me I don't do nothin with it except feed it. I said why do you have it then He said it was his exgirlfreinds bird she bought it from some old lady the year before she left for Ontario I said to the guy that I only had 300 dollars right now but would give him te rest by the end of the week so he said fine the bird likes you so I will keep it till you get the rest of the money. So I went home very upset about having to leave this poor bird there for even another minute. I got on the phone and phoned every one I knew to see if I could borrow the rest of the money. it took me 2 days and I had another 400 dollars I raced over to his house and said listen I have another 400 dollars will you take 700. for the bird He said sure he looked sick like he needed to get drugs at the time so any way I ran to that back room scooped up Tyco and under her cage was a hatch certifacate said she was hatched Feb 28 2003 I was more than shocked My wedding aniversery is Feb29th strange I thought must be fate. any way I took her home cleaned everything up that was Oct. 9,2007 and since then she has learned so much its like she's a little spounge soaking in everything she hears and sees and learning so quickly When I first got her all she in could do was mimic a few sounds. Like the garbage truck backing up and the cats fighting stuff she heard from the window in the room she was in . Now she has a vocabulay that is just massive and getting bigger on a daily basis. also when I got her she was very off balance she had barbered every flight feather on her left side and kept falling I thought for sure she was going to break her keel bone she would hit so hard. The guy said that she had always been like that and that it was some kind of birth defect. I took her to the vet and she said no way this is from chewing the feather off probubly due to stress. So I had her other wing clipped to match so at least she wouldn't be so off balance. Well I'm pleased to say she has stopped barbering that side and is fully flighted. the only problem now is that I don't think she ever fledged as a baby because she doesn't know how to fly she has made friends with my Amazon so I'm hoping that she will learn from her. She is coming around nicely though and will step up when I ask her to she also just started letting me give her head and neck scritches but only at bed time for a couple of minates. anyway she doing awesome and I love her with all my heart she will soon understand that. She actually said I love you the other morning which made me feel very good she talks in context all the time when she wants somthing she asks for it by name When she smells chiken she says chicken yum yum good ah there ya go its so cute she also asks for fresh water when she makes soup 4 or 5 times a day and lots of other things When the dogs bark she says no barking go lay down. She has learned three colors and how to count to 4 she is very smart and learns thing as soon as she hears them its really quite amazing how smart these birds are. and because of this it makes it even sadder that she was so abused for so many years. When I think about how she lived I want to make her life even better she is now in a Macaw cage and has everything a bird could want.
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Post by Raja's_mom »

I'm sorry I forgot to add some pics of her so here she is

ImageImageThe next 2 pictures is of her getting ready to attack one of her toy's

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Post by pinkdevil »

Such a sad story but with a great happy ending.

Yes I think it WAS destiny that she came into your care. :)

She is a beautiful bird and such a clever girl to.

Thanks for telling her story.

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Post by Bella »

what a beautiful girl and such a sad story but she is in the best place now :D
Mum to Harvey(little boy) Satan RIP, Missy moos(Staffy bull) Billy(green irn) Sir didymus(grey irn) and Isis(cockatiel), Lucy (caique)
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