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Looking for a friend for my IRN Male

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 2:46 am
by Fidgit_Green
Hi there, could someone possibly let me know whether a male or female ringneck would be best to try and pair with my bird.
Also does any one know of any mature birds that are in need of a home.
I would preferably have one that is OK with being handled, but I can always work with them to get them better.
I have thought about going with a different breed, but I think a friend just like himself is what my guy needs.

I appreciate and help.

Re: Looking for a friend for my IRN Male

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 2:47 am
by Fidgit_Green
Sorry just realized I didn't say that I'm in Brisbane QLD.

Re: Looking for a friend for my IRN Male

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 4:53 am
by Wessel Gordon
Unless you are willing to put up with mating behavior and/or possible breeding my suggestion would be to get another male (from experience I have to warn you that females get homonally possessive during breeding). You also have to consider the possibility that your bird will more than likely transfer his devotion so far reserved for you to a new friend of his own kind.

Having said that: if you're unwilling or unable to spend the time with your current friend that it deserves having a friend will help it a lot.


Re: Looking for a friend for my IRN Male

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 8:57 am
by Fidgit_Green
Thanks your your advice.
Fidgit got loose and went missing for 3 months and I was lucky to get him back.
When I got him back he straight away took a shine to my mother who before, he had not let touch him. Also he is friendly with other people as well, like he figured out when he was lost that people arnt actually going to hurt him.
He picked up a few native calls but also one or two pet bird noises, which made me think he must have found someones birds and landed their and was found?
Because he was way to good nick to have been wild for two months.
But hang on, the people who found him had only had him just over a month and they had no other birds.
Now this is where my theory gets a bit siniser, but its just a theory.
He responded to me when I turned up to get him, but the moment I bring him home he is all over my mother whom he used to dislike.
The couple who had him were young, my age, not my mother's age plus they said he was more keen on the guy rather than the girl.
So the logical thing for me, is that he was found by an older woman who had birds of her own, and when she found my bird she decided to keep this lovely friendly mature talking ringneck that happened to fly into her yard.
Now, you might ask, how does he get away from that person to the people how were honest and reported it?
Well, that the one thing I think I have to thank for getting him back.
I had taught him how to open the slid doors on a cage, so he could lift it and get himself out it, so I believe he got himself out out found someone else who should help find his home, because he flew straight in their window and would leave.

So I am eternally greatful to have him back, however after two months of not finding him I got a puppy to train as my assistance dog.
Luckily Fidgit didn't even care about the puppy, I think because the young could who had him also had a dog so he go used to it.

But the big problem is, now that he has had a taste of freedom and found other birds to socialise with and that he is no longer just my little friend, as those he used to shun from are now of great interest to him and having the dog means he is no longer my only focus, I need to get him a friend soon so he is never alone again.

I know that was just a ramble but I appreciate any advice.
Thanks everyone

Re: Looking for a friend for my IRN Male

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 9:32 am
by Wessel Gordon
First of all: congratulations in finding him again. I lost a pair recently due to my own stupidy and haven't seen them since before Christmas so I'm not hopeful.

Secondly: put a padlock on all his doors if you have to since next time he wants to taste freedom there's no guarantee of getting him back. I have an African Grey with a deformed foot that we nicknamed Houdini because of her ability to open cages. I had to resort to getting a padlock for all her cagedoors that she can fit through to stop her from getting into trouble.

From what I heard it's not unheard of for a bird to switch their favorite person although I never experienced it with any of mine.

Re: Looking for a friend for my IRN Male

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 8:17 pm
by MissK
That is a heck of an experience and I'm SO GLAD you got him back!!!!! (Congrats on the puppy!)

On to talking about a possible companion-----
I had great success bringing home a friend for Rocky, as you may have heard. I'm convinced a second male ringneck is the perfect companion for my pet male. Some have suggested it's cruel to deprive Rocky of a female when it's possible to provide one. I say "too stinkin' bad!" Not mating is the price Rocky will have to pay for his relatively cushy life here. In his prior home he had no bird friend at all, so it's at least a step up here. Rocky and Sinbad are getting along great, and have clearly bonded as they show distress when separated. Rocky has not lost his "tameness" and, if anything, has picked up new skills from Sinbad. I readily admit it is sometimes impossible to get Rocky's attention, but I don't need to be #1 in his life, and I think it is most fitting that I share that spot with Sinbad and Pecans. Does that address the question at all?