Nik-Lutino Indian Ring Neck

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Nik-Lutino Indian Ring Neck

Post by DevinTyler »

Hello!!!! I have had my IRN for about 3 years now. We have never bonded. He seems to want to play w/my cats and dog. He screams a lot in the morning when the family is trying to get some sleep. He turns his head really cute when I come to his cage. He makes a sweet little noise. But when I got to accept this and pet him he snaps at me. He does take food from my hand----- but always tries to bite me. I think he wants to love me but doesn't know how too. I have at times wanted to get rid of him. I have posted ads in the paper several times but I could not bring myself to sell him.

Can you help me?

Lutino behavior

Post by Jodie »

I sounds like you are not in charge! You should cover your birds cage indicating bedtime. I am not for sure of the enviroment but this might help sleeping at night. If you have had him for three years he should be more friendly. It also sounds like he gets minimal time with you. Birds need lots of attention. If they go one day without it, they will let you know by alittle bite while stepping up or something. Younger birds go through a rebellion stage where they lunge or nip at you to try to see how far they can get away from you handling you, but your bird is too old for this. I would suggest you spend more quality time with him. Try regular visits two or three times a day. If you are having trouble handling him, get a nice thick welders glove for him to bite instead of you. With work and time he will come around. Also, give a good treat after you visit (peanuts, fresh fruit, my conure loves twizzlers!). Your bird must be babied. Hope this helps!
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