Taming my Indian ringneck parrot

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Taming my Indian ringneck parrot

Post by Squav »

I've had him for 2-3 months now, and he is still really scared of me. I talk to him quite often, but anytime my hand gets anywhere near him he starts flapping about in his cage. When I try to give him treats he still won't go anywhere near them. Could do with some help as it gets awkward when I clean his cage out and I have to wait till he decides to go back into his cage himself as he won't let me touch him. Has anyone got any tips?
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Re: Taming my Indian ringneck parrot

Post by AJPeter »

Use a spare perch or stick sometimes the back of your hand will be okay, l have had my Alexandrine Hen for three years and she is still scared of hands especially when l clean her cage l bought some stout gardening gloves and she bites hard but cannot bite through...yet!
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Re: Taming my Indian ringneck parrot

Post by InTheAir »

Please excuse AJpeters, he sometimes forgets to write anything relevant when he replies to threads.

I found following this:
http://learningparrots.com/blog/trainin ... l-parrots/
really helpful and effective. Watching and responding to their body language as you approach, backing off if they are showing signs of nervousness and approaching when they are calm to drop a treat in their bowl and then backing off so the bird can go straight over to the bowl and grab the goodies.
It can take a long time to make friends with a ringneck, just be patient and ensure your movements are gentle and predictable to him.
Cleaning the cage is a real pain with a scared bird, I kept my body facing away from my bird and always kept my eyes focused on what I was doing, rather than looking at her when I cleaned Sapphires cage at first. That seemed to help. Now she is so comfortable about cage cleaning she will sometimes even come into her cage while I am vacuuming it.

Here is some more info on "taming" http://learningparrots.com/blog/trainin ... ing-trust/

I hope it helps!

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