Behaviour getting worse!

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Behaviour getting worse!

Post by carrie »

My 7 month old is getting nastier by the day. He started the biting/bluffing a couple of months ago, and we have been handling it as best as possible - taking a lot of advice from this board I can tell you - but in the last week or so his attacks are becoming more frequent and more vicious - culminating in him biting me HARD on the ear last night which left my ear bleeding and me in tears (it bloody hurt!). Up until a couple of weeks ago he wasn't aggressive towards me at all, just everybody else in the house, so I was his only friend at times. Now it seems we are all under attack. Well, I will no longer let him on my shoulder, but I am sort of scared of what he might do when I least expect it. I don't want to ignore him totally but his behaviour has me concerned. Help!!!

Post by noemi »

:? well you have a problem my is like that with my husband he try everything at first he give treats etc she was quiet for a moment then attack she bite his ears and try to get his face too but with me she is great andsweet she dont like my kids either and nobody else when I take her for grooming she atackk everybody said she is evil another person told me that ringneck are very agressive with the people they dont like or know well you should try to make trust with her give her treats talk to her try to keep her in and out of the cage everytime you pick her give her treats and talk to her until you think you can trust her they love water tooyou can try to bathe her in a sink for now but nice try all this remember be patient takes time :P
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Post by ringneck »

Hello Carrie,

Hang in there! I know it can be hard to get through this bluffing stage. My parrot went through the same thing and it really bothered me— I took it very personal. How could this bird that I handfed turn on me? I was very upset.

Don’t worry and please don’t limit your sessions with him. This is the most difficult stage of ringneck development. Your ringneck will return to its normal self again. My female ringneck went through the bluffing stage bad! She was a mean bird and I was also scared to get a nasty bite from her. But I distracted and kept her busy while I interacted with her.

As quickly as this bluffing stage came, it went too! My parrot changed over night! It was like a day and night difference. I promise it’s only temporary! I too was delusional that my ringnecks would never return to being sweet.

So hang in there and keep us updated! Don’t give up on your parrot because you’ll miss twenty or more years of pure friendship.

Hope this helps,

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Post by carrie »

Clearly it gets much worse before it gets better! Last night he bit my lip - this is the second time he has done this. He was in his usual position before bedtime - perching on my chest and dozing off. I was talking to my partner and laughed at something and wham! I put him straight to bed but could hear him climbing around for about half an hour until he went to sleep. Today he is still trying to boss me around. He does this strutting thing - I call it "shaping up" - where he holds his wings out slightly and pins and squawks whilst strutting around. I just tell him that I'm not scared of him - but he is really testing my patience! On a brighter note - he has started to wolf whistle. It is hilarious to hear him practising!
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Post by ringneck »

LoL! The bluffing could get worse before it gets better. Trust me when I say it’s a night and day difference. You’ll know when that day comes! :wink:

Also your ringneck is right on target for vocal development. Seven months is perfect! Mine started to whistle at that age too!

Just wait till he says his first word! It’s so exciting! :lol:

Good luck and keep us updated!



Post by daisychain »

Dear Carrie:

I have a post on here somewhere about the same thing with my female biting my ear. She is 2 1/2 years old and at about 8 months old she turned on me for no reason. She has been evil ever since. I got a severe bite on my ear, I almost needed stitches. I don't trust her. I let her out of her cage when ever I can and I talk sweet to her but I will never trust her completely. I can't even hold my finger out to her for her to step up. She will chomp down on it and draw blood. She is very smart and talks up a storm.

She tolerates my husband and absolutely adores my two sons ages 21 and 19. She will lay down in their hands with her belly up and let them rub on her. I am convinced it is a female thing with me and there is nothing I can do about that. I will continue to care for her and love her but as far as working with her it is just not going to happen for us.

Don't give up perhaps your guy will come around.
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Post by carrie »

Hi daisychain

I remember reading your post when the bluffing first started. At that time my partner was the only one getting bitten. Now things have completely changed - I am the one under attack. It hasn't been a sudden turn around - every day it gets a little worse - so I can still have some quality time. She (ringneck has pretty much confirmed he is a she) still roosts on me after dinner every night but during the day pins me, struts around, screams at me. I can still pick her up and pet her, play with her etc but cannot let her near my face. There are 3 teenagers in the house, 2 of them (girl 16 and boy 14) get bitten regularly but she is scared witless of the 17yo boy - runs and hides whenever she hears him. We tell him he's the lucky one because he's not getting attacked! I really hope that it is not permanent like it seems to be in your case - but if so I guess I'll just have to learn to live with it - wish me luck!
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Post by doremon »

Hi Carrie,

I think the key thing is still to ignore the behaviour and give her lots of attention. Mine 'Hoogie' started the bluffing stage 2 months ago and I went through a hard time trying to 'endure' the pain whenever he bit me. He was also not as friendly to my husband compared to me. But since I have to travel quite recently, I encouraged my husband to always talk to him, gives him lots of attention and he is fine with my husband now. And sure enough, I think he has past the bluffing stage, except for occasions when he still bites when he gets cranky.

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Post by ringneck »

Hello Carrie,

I posted about the sex; however, I forgot to login so it says “guest.” Anyway, I do remember your ringneck is also going through the “bluffing” stage as well. I just read so many posts and people come and go—so it’s hard for me to remember until I get to know the person.

I know it can be hard. I always tell other ringneck enthusiasts that this is the most difficult stage and test in a ringneck’s life. Some people cannot deal with this stage and sadly the ringneck is abandoned. Most believe that they do make horrible pets because of this stage. I know how bad it can get. I have a pet female and male ringneck.

My male’s bluffing was mild; however, my female’s was horrible. I took the bites personal. I could not understand how something I thought liked me as a baby turn on me. I thought it was never going to pass. But it did. It was a night and day difference. It’s like I picked her up one day and I was able to handler her any which way. Most of the bluffing is caused by hormones that will subside. Kind of like a teenager. One minute they love you the next they hate you.

Trust me, you’ll know when it stops. Also, I was reading your other post on the pictures section. You are doing a good job. Just keep ignoring the bluffing and you will get a fantastic pet! And please do keep me updated!

Best wishes, :wink:

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Post by doremon »

Hi Ringneck,

Just to let you know that I am not Carrie.

Thanks very much for the wonderful information.

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Post by ringneck »

lol! we must have been posting at the same time! I meant to do carries.

But that's good it's only going to get better....Congrats! :P :P :P :wink:
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