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Duck Butt and I went out yesterday

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 10:54 am
by Dani03
We went to our local park that is like a three minute drive. Aggie does well in the car (I have a wire dog kennel that she travels in...getting her INTO it is the hard part.) She loves to watch the world go by as we are driving...

Anyway the two of us spent a few hours in the park. I brought the kennel with us so she could have a place to be if she didn't want to be out and draped a towel over the top.

The grass fascinated her. She would romp around and stomp about, ripping up blades and tossing them around. She's a fast little bugger and kept me on my toes the whole time. She loves to just take off doing that macaw waddle, cackling her cute little laugh and stop to see if I am following. The local crows were a constant source of amusment for my Agg. She would watch them as they hopped about and would cackle at them. Her favorite thing to do was to shriek as loud as possible and get the crows to take off into the air (scared the daylights out of the squirrls too LOL)

We, of course, got noticed by just about everyone there. I didn't let anyone touch her (still not sure about how she is around other people) no need for bites. One woman and I sat and talked for a while, she owns a was so very cool.

I hope that Aggie and I can go out to more places...I want to start to find fid friendly places.


P.S. I wish I could do this with Prin but she is a STRONG flier and refuses any type of no outings for her

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 12:17 pm
by xo Missi
OMG I love it :) So glad you girls had a great time! I love taking fids out! I feel teased with out pics, though. I just love seeing the big birds outside!

If I didn't give my favourite lady at work my old digital camera a few months ago, I so would have shipped it to you in an instant girlie! You know, they do make disposable digital cameras :wink:

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 3:17 pm
by Bird crazy

Sounds like a great time. Wish we could all go to a "bird park" together without fids and watch them interact. Would be a blast.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 3:22 pm
by Bird crazy
Sorry meant to say "with our fids" not without fids. :oops:

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 5:06 pm
by xo Missi
:lol: Sue :)

Yes...that would be a DREAM!!