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Hacked Wings :(

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 6:28 am
by ayeshasyed
I am sad to report that the female IRN i got a week ago has had her wings literally HACKED. :cry: We basically rescued these birds because they were at a market that was not exactly the best condition. I am so scared for her now because she can not even get off the ground. If she climbs onto something and jumps she will get hurt because we have ceramic tile floors. I want to take a picture of her wings because there are SO many feathers clipped very short perhaps all the primary and most secondary. If they are all cut will they grow back?? the ends where they were cut are very white and dry now.

On a better note, the male IRN or the male and female cockatiel did not have any clipping done. While I would prefer to leave them flighted at this point I think it is better to clip them. They are completely wild except for the female cockatiel. However, we gently caught each of them and to my surprise there was no screaming during clipping, we held them with a towel and neither of us got bit any. I even held the female cockatiel with my bare hands while clipping and she did not bite. She is the sweetest bird!! and we have only had them for a week.

Re: Hacked Wings :(

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 11:32 pm
by zentoucan
Hello ayeshasyed
the feathers will grow back but it will take a while.
there are different opinions on wing clipping. personally I'm against wing clipping has I believe it is not in the best interest of the parrot.
Parrots are extremely paranoid and easily to frighten animals. This is encoded into their DNA and you can't change that but you can managed it. Research has shown wing clipping cause stress to the bird. The reason behind this research has shown that in the wild, parrots are prey to a number of animals and for them to escape is through flight. also when there is conflict between parrots, one of them can choose to fly away. By removing this natural ability the parrot becomes highly stress which results in behavioral problems such has biting and feather plucking. this is more likely as your parrots are wild. but if you manage the environment your parrots are in and have trust and bonding building sessions you can manage it. I would probably put items (pillows) that are soft around areas where the parrot climbs and jumps. I also suggest lowering the perches, lots and lots of foraging toys and training. By keeping your Parrots mentally simulated this will lower the chances of behavioral problems. there is many causes of behavioral problems with wing clipping being just one boredom being another. I know of people who have clipped their parrots wings and have not had any problems but they are spending every waking moments with the parrot. also the way you interact with your parrots can have a negative or positive impact on the parrots. never chase the parrot or force yourself onto the parrot this will have a negative impact. let the parrot come to you this takes time and patience.
Good luck

Re: Hacked Wings :(

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 1:25 am
by Tyeman
I bought a tame irn with hacked wings aswell because i didnt have a proper inspection it also had a big scab that the vet had to stitch up from hitting the floor to hard like you described so be carefull.... I ended up plucking just enough feathers so he could fly because i couldnt bare to leave him in a cage for 6 months till he molted he flaps 5 times as much as a fully feathered bird but fly's just as well... But yea probs a bit of an extreme method and i wouldn't recommend doing it without proper knowledge