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Question about flooring on Gracie's play gym

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 11:07 pm
by pattiB
It's constructed of pvc. The bottom is a base with a wood frame we built. She can walk around on the frame part. I used white marker board for the bottom base. My question is what could I put on bottom to help her have a better grip? She doesn't seem to mind at all walking around it but it looks as though she is ice skating sometimes! I do NOT want her to hurt herself of course. I'm up for suggestions! She LOVES to have foot toys spread around to pick up. I know she loves to walk around the bottom to do this...I know there are different designs that have no bottom, but I think we have a bird that would love to continue to walk around the bottom of her play gym to pick up toys to bring them to the higher perches.... lol...,,,Thanks

Re: Question about flooring on Gracie's play gym

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 3:09 pm
by AJPeter
Was your post in answer to other posts? Sometimes it helps to put a perch in just above the bottom so she can move on that, try toys she can move one to another without putting her foot on the bottom. Does the cage have a lower grid so she walk slightly above the tray? You could try newspapers.
Sorry l cannot be any better help

Re: Question about flooring on Gracie's play gym

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 3:34 pm
by InTheAir
I can't think of anything suitable right now, but Sapphire would ice skate all over the marble bench top, the top of Nilas cage (polished wood) and any other slippery surface when we first got her. She's got the hang of walking around on them now and can even land with out trouble.

Re: Question about flooring on Gracie's play gym

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 5:57 pm
by Craig_&_Cat
I know this is an older post, but for the base of your play gym I would suggest taking it out of action for a day and using a safe glue (I think pva is ok) brush on a thin layer then sprinkle some sand over the glue and let dry.

Personally I just use some old news paper on ours as then it is easily changeable each weekend.
