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Hurry! Black or white?! =)

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 8:41 pm
by RedNado130
I'm about to buy my first bird cage (hopefully) tonight and I'm not sure what color would be best? I could use some input from people with personal experience! There are two cages, same size, same bar spacing, same everything... except color!
Which do you guys like the best and think is easier to keep clean? Black or White? :?:

Re: Hurry! Black or white?! =)

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 3:39 am
by DonnaandNeo
Go black the cage blends in much better :D

Re: Hurry! Black or white?! =)

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 8:50 am
by MissK
Best wishes,

Re: Hurry! Black or white?! =)

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 9:13 am
by MissK
And, merging the thread from your bird selection post, what size cage did you pick?

Re: Hurry! Black or white?! =)

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 1:04 pm
by RedNado130
This is the cage that I'm looking at. ... oduct.html

It's 24X22. Size of cage is actually one reason I'm thinking about going with a different bird (because of budget), but in my mind, I'm not sure if it would be roomy enough for a cockatiel either (Plus toys)? I know they are a bit smaller than IRNS. Yet again, it would be out side of the cage for most of the day.
This is one of the best cages that I could find that was bigger than others with the right bar spacing that I wanted, and that was also in my budget. I wanted to try to stay within 200 dollars if I could on a cage. I can always save up a bit longer, which I'm strongly thinking about. I would just have to wait a while longer before I purchased. They have this exact cage in white too, for 179. That was my color issue problem lol
I didn't think about the door being too big and them flying out though, this one does just have one larger front door to come in and out of. It does have the grate and pan that I know I wanted.
What do you think about the seed guard? Do you think they come in handy or can just get in the way? My boyfriend kind of had me convinced to get a cage with the metal seed guard, but I would be fine without it. I'm just not sure how much they actually catch, or if I'm going to just kill my poor legs with it every time I walk up to the cage :lol:
The flat top was something that I was looking for, I really do like the dome tops because they look very nice, but I want a flat top, with no playgym, because I want to make my own playgym with things ontop =) and be able to easily hang toys inside. I'm also going to be making my own playstand apart from the top of the cage to move around the house and living room as well.
With the house/apartment(He owns the house, our friend lives upstairs) we are almost always in the living room, or the kitchen. Those are the two main rooms of the house, the living room being the spot we spend most of our time. I'm sure that the cage that I'm looking at is easily moveable, but with a smaller type of house, I can't see there being a point to moving the entire cage into the next room.
I never knew how much time I would spend on researching cages!! lmao

Re: Hurry! Black or white?! =)

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 11:15 pm
by MissK
Hi Red,

That cage looks nice, though it is very basic.

Re: Hurry! Black or white?! =)

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 12:22 am
by fionalouise1989
Hey Red Nado

I dont have a seed catcher thing on mine either, what I do is have a plastic table cloth that I lay out on the floor then up a bit of the wall and that seems to catch most of the seeds that are flung, then i can just move mine away (its on wheels) from plastic tablecloth and pick it up and shake it off into the garden! Especially important since Im in a rental townhouse and theoretically not meant to have pets. But then I also dont keep my little fella in the cage much, we bough a hand made play gym that ive modified to suit him a bit and most of the time hes climbing over that while I watch tv or read. ... 165237.jpg

Thats my cage, dont mind the mess though cleaning cage day is friday (tomorrow). I paid 160 for that one came with two perches but then I added my own which you can get for 6.95 for 2. Also came with 4 plastic seed cups but I only leave two in because I find that two hold enough seed and water and if I leave the ones in underneath it tends to end up with faeces in there. If I could I would have gotten a bigger one but we dont have room and the majority of the time the bird isn't in the cage ... 170206.jpg
Thats his play gym which I bought hand made from someone although I have made a few modifications nailing down back wooden piece as it used to move (the little fella didnt like it) and it became a handy food cup holder. Also due to be cleaned tomorrow haha I promise I dont usually leave it this messy but this is the aftermath of two days eating and destroying toys... It almost looks like hes camera shy in this picture :)

Im not an expert by any means but this is what has worked out for me so far as a newbie.
Hope it all works out for you and enjoy building your play gym it would be fun!!

Re: Hurry! Black or white?! =)

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 11:28 pm
by RedNado130
Ahh!! That is so funny!! I just bought that same cage last night!! I think it was 34 by 22? If I remember correctly from the top of my head. I can't believe how great of a deal that cage is!! I have the perfect spot for it all ready and everything!
I decided against the one that I posted the link to on here a few posts back.
I will be getting better perches for sure! I already have a few that I've gotten =) And I'm excited to build a play gym! I've seen some really awesome ones made out of PVC pipes, wrapped in the vet tape for grip and to seal the seams of the pipes so nails can't get stuck! I never thought about adding a light to it, That would be pretty awesome. We have a wrap around light on the top of our walls in the living room, I would be able to have better lighting pretty easily I think! I had searched craigslist religiously for the past few months trying to find a good cage. I did end up finding a huuggeee corner cage this woman was selling for cheap, but once it came down to the day I was going to go look at it, and perhaps make the buy, she never called me back or made any effort to reach me to sell it. So that was a waste a time. It's a shame because the cage looked amazing.
But I'm happy with this one that I just ordered! I'm excited to get it and get it all set up!! ... htcage.cfm
That is the one I ended up ordering, in black =D

Re: Hurry! Black or white?! =)

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 11:51 pm
by MissK
Congrats Red, I think you did well


Re: Hurry! Black or white?! =)

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 7:16 pm
by fionalouise1989
Sounds like you got a good deal, mine seems a little different with the feed things at the front but that doesnt matter. As long as you have easy access :) Thankfully if its similar to mine the cage is fairly easy to set up and the storage space underneath is awesome as it means all your bird stuff can be in the same spot as long as you keep it all in containers otherwise the little one might decide on a little adventure under there haha mine is all clean now. I even washed all the perches since it was a nice sunny day they dry in 5 minutes :) dont forget sometimes the most simple things amuse birds sometimes, like toilet rolls stuck on the play gym wood mine spent half the day trying to chew it off plus i put some cheerios in it :) the second one he managed to get on his head though... ... 9ae08e.jpg ... 7b52f0.jpg


Re: Hurry! Black or white?! =)

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 7:57 pm
by RedNado130
Aww! He is adorable lmao I have a bunch of toilet paper rolls and the long paper towel rolls saved up! I'm excixted to watch them in action :lol:
I just got the cage in today!! I just finished assembling it! I'm pretty happy with it, it's bigger in person that I thought it would be, even after measuring it before I bought it. The only real issue that I have with it is that there are no horizontal bars :? I really thought that the front and back were verticle and the sides were horizontal but I was wrong. It's my fault for not looking at the picture about that, but I like it! I'm a bit weary abour the feeder doors on the top of each side, I'm not used to those, they do need to be banged out with a hammer a bit though, they are softly warped from shipping. I think that I may ziptie them closed?
What do you mean by you using them as a personal door? They are hard for even me to open =P But I'm worried about the bird somehow getting out when I'm not around if they aren't ziptied or something.

I was thinking about that vet wrap thing the other day actually. I've seen a lot of playgyms made from the pvc pipes and that vet wrap, I wonder if their birds do eat it, that isn't very reassuring to me lol Maybe if they are only on it while I'm watching, but then again they do things that you don't see. I'm not sure where I stand on that one now.

I am so happy with the amount of shelving space underneath! I have a big wicker basket that I have filled with toys and cardboard rolls, it took up a lot of space on the shelf on the spare computer table in the side room and it fits great underneath the cage! I don't think I'm keeping the wicker basket for the bird to play on though, I'm not sure if it's safe, or treated with anything.

What kind of perches do you guys have? It came with two wooden dowels but I've read those aren't good to use? I also have one of those colored roped perches that I really like =)

I am so excited to have it all set up and have all the toys that I have in it!!

Re: Hurry! Black or white?! =)

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 11:48 am
by MissK
Hi Red!