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Post by aRc »

Welp my bird (meatball) is about 5 months old i just got him 3 days ago from the pet store i work at, he was such a great bird and was so friendly, the owners before me where very nice and trained him well he had a very good home.

the first day he was at my house he was fine, but the second day he had an accident and scraped up his feet on a wire in my room, ever since he has been very snappy and wont let me pick him up unless he wants to get out.

my manager who knows alot about birds told me he was testing me and that most birds do this, that i need to show him whos boss and make sure he doesnt get his way, also she said that he might be sore from getting hurt and not turst me as much because of his incident and that i need to get him to trust me again, ive been firmly telling him "no bite" and to step up but still he just gets in a defensive stance and snaps, anybody have some comments to help me out thanks

this is my first bird that i have actually owned, ive always worked with them in my store but never had one for myself so im kinda new on the taming aspects.
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Post by Neokireina »

He might be a little sore and distrustful of you. So its time to do some major sucking up and working hard to get your bird to trust you again. When Isis got her toe bitten she really was reluctant to step up. Keep trying and treating, dont rush your bird, be chearful and friendly, move slowly and remain calm.

For starters work on just giving him treats in the cage and getting him used to your hand being their without him having to step up. Touch his beak, give him treats, talk to him. If your bird is ok with this but not stepping up then it could be the sore foot. Also if your bird tolerates your approach and will sit on you outside the cage then it might be just the sore foot.

If your bird shies from you work on the trust issue and give him lots of toys and treats. I mean play with his toys with him not just put them in the cage >.<
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Jan 26, 2006 9:30 am

Post by aRc »

thanks, i did play with him with his toys in his cage and he was making all sorts of funny noises, i also took him out on the floor and rolled his lil rubber ball around and he played, but as soon as he gets on his perch andi try to get him down its hell lol
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