Do females talk as good as males?

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Ring Neck
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Do females talk as good as males?

Post by Ring Neck »

Hi, do the female IRNs talk as good as the males? I have a female IRN. I know that some species that the male is a better talker but the females can talk as well. How about the IRNs.
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Re: Do females talk as good as males?

Post by Azure »

In IRNS, males are good speakers as the males =)
Just a "bookworm" (or rather an internetworm?) who has no ringneck(s) but REALLY wants a cobalt or violet
Ring Neck
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Location: Toronto, Ontario

Re: Do females talk as good as males?

Post by Ring Neck »

Thank you very much and it was very interesting.
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Re: Do females talk as good as males?

Post by Azure »

np... just hav read many sites on IRN and thats what they all seem to say :lol:
Just a "bookworm" (or rather an internetworm?) who has no ringneck(s) but REALLY wants a cobalt or violet
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Re: Do females talk as good as males?

Post by effekt »

That myths page is awesome!

I have two ringnecks, and while they haven't gotten their adult plumage yet, I'm pretty sure one is male and the other female.

Archimedes talks and whistles, although not as well as many other ringnecks I've seen. He also started late. He gets an A for effort though, as he practices all day long, even if he can only say "hello" and "whatcha doin'". But he took to whistling the Addams Family theme song and the Pirates of the Caribbean song very well, although he has his own way of whistling it, even if it isn't exactly how the songs are supposed to go!

Kashi I'm pretty sure is female, and she makes almost no noise at all, not even their natural calls. Which is funny because she was really vocal as a chick. That's how I found her in the bird store, she was calling the loudest for food!

I definitely wouldn't say it is typical that males are better talkers than females as this is totally not the case, but it just happens to be that way with my birds (assuming that I guessed their genders correctly) :)

I also agree with what the myth page says about IRNs not being good pets. They are excellent pets!
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Re: Do females talk as good as males?

Post by ozwelshcobs »

big myth that one isn't it ? we all know us females what ever the species are much better talkers and communicators :-)

but seriously, it is all up to the individual personality of the bird as well as your interaction with them.
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Re: Do females talk as good as males?

Post by ringneck »

Yup, my female ringneck talks a lot:) I am gunna post some videos of her soon--just not now as she is moulting--besides--every girl likes to look good ;o)

Best Wishes :wink: ,

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Re: Do females talk as good as males?

Post by accardi »

Mine is a 5mo old DNA female said a full sentence first . (What you doing) she is picking up 5 8 words or phases a week.
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