Why ringnecks pin their eyes? and more questions

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Why ringnecks pin their eyes? and more questions

Post by doremon »

Does anyone know why ringnecks would pin their eyes?

I just got my baby ringneck 2 weeks ago. It is about 11 weeks old now. He currently still has the habit of begging for food though he is already eating on his own. When I feed him or when he begs for food, occasionally I can see his eyes pinning. Just wonder what does that mean when he does that.

Another question is he will eat from my hand, but not hop on my hand willingly from within the cage. He will hop on the hand if he falls on the floor after trying to take off though. So, I am not sure whether I should just be patient and wait for him to get on my hand or try to encourage him a bit by pushing my hand on him (which is what I am doing now - he will get on eventually and so far has never tried to bite).

Last question: can IRN eat potato? for example boiled ones?

Any advice and information on the above will be very much appreciated.

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Post by paddyowner »

Hi doremon....... :P

I have a Lutino Ringneck called Paddy, and he sounds exactly like your IRN!

He was very wary of my partner and myself when we first got him in July of this year. He was 2 months old when we got him, hand reared from a relative and has only just become confident enough to get off his cage and onto our hands directly. Give your bird time and he will get used to you.

As for food......Paddy loves a potato, warm with the skin left on! He has now got into the habit of flying off his cage if my partner and I are eating our dinner in front of him, and trying his hardest to land on his plate and steal our food! He's so cheeky!

Hope this helps.

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Ringneck eyes

Post by ringneck »

Good question about the eyes!

The Ringneck’s eyes are my favorite characteristic about Ringnecks in general. Other parrots which are known for pinning their eyes, such as amazons, cannot compare to the Ringneck’s eyes! They truly are fascinating. But your question was why they flash or pin their eyes.

The eyes pin for many reasons but it’s safe to say that there are no definite answers as to why they pin. I personally believe that because Ringnecks have no facial muscles their eyes are used to indicate emotion. Let me elaborate for you.

When a Ringneck is excited I can expect to see the eyes pin. Once I see the eyes pin I know my Ringneck becomes excited and is very stimulated. If my Ringneck wants to fight with other birds, he quickly flairs his eyes from small to large then repeats this. If my Ringneck is in heat, he walks back and forth his perch bowing and pinning his eyes as to show he is available and in his prime. The list could go on and on.

Ringnecks use their eyes for various reasons. I always say that the eyes of the Ringneck are a good way to indicate the mood of the parrot. Their eyes more then compensate for a simple smile or a frown.

There has been no scientific research as to why parrots do this. I often wonder if their eyes are used as a way of communicating to each other. Who knows, but anyhow it’s very fascinating! Good Question!

Also, your Ringneck can eat anything you want to feed it. Just avoid avocados, chocolate, and alcohol.

Best Wishes :wink:

Imran C.
Diane H.

eye pinning

Post by Diane H. »

Dear Doremon,

My Indian Ringneck, Cosmo is now 4 1/2 months old. He was the same way for the first few weeks. He now comes right out of the cage when I come home from work. He did the same exact thing with the food. I could stick my hand in with the food and he'd take it but was wary of coming out. Have patience, yours will get better!
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