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Adopting a 1yr Old.

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 9:05 am
by Korra
I have been thinking long and hard about adopting a 1yr old yellow male Indian Ring Neck. I am not sure if it is a good thing or not because of possible behavioural problems and whatnot.

I have been taking care of budgies all my life and I saw him at a flea market and felt so sorry for him. And I was just wondering if it was a good idea? He's healthy and has no visible signs of distress.

Re: Adopting a 1yr Old.

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 9:31 pm
by nicoles_388
Hello :) I felt I could offer a helpful response, sorry if I'm too late to be of any help. About six months ago I adopted a green male Indian Ringneck that was six years old at the time I brought him home. I was thinking the same thing you were - whether he was going to have serious behavioral problems. When I found him, he already had an obvious feather plucking issue - but that ended up being half the reason I got him. I knew that I would be able to offer better conditions at least than the ones he was currently in. It's just a matter of whether you are willing and able to help him work through his issues. All it takes is patience, consistency, and a lot of love - he could end up being a whole new bird and will love you all the more for helping him. I believe parrots with issues have the potential to love their person much more strongly, since you both will have to work harder to form a trusting bond. My ringneck still has minor plucking issues, but is becoming more and more trusting and confident every day and my bond with him is very strong. I'd say as long as you can handle issues like yelling, biting, and feather plucking (which can all be greatly lessened by consistent training), then you would be doing that IRN a great favor by adopting him :) Hope I was of some help.

Re: Adopting a 1yr Old.

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:57 pm
by bec
i agree with nicole
i have adopted a
disabled 3 year old female she is very slow to trust compared to my hand reared one
but each tiny step is greatly rewarding
it will take patience
time and lots of yummy treats
i use popcorn as a training & taming treat not only do they love it but if you use an air popper the sound of popcorn being made gives them time to get ready for the "game time"
it will be worth all the effort