clicker training

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clicker training

Post by ScarletKnight »

im a memeber of yahoo groubs for clicker training there is more then enough information you need as for clicker u honestly don't even need one u can use a snapple bottle top. anything that makes a pop sound. basics of c/t
you need to find ure birds fav treat.
you need to be consisten with ure click or you cna use the words like yes
or you can pick up a clicker from a petshop. if you need any further asistance please don't hesitate to contact me ciao
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Post by Mikaela »

Can clicker training be used for positive reinforcement, as well. Or it is more for making the bird aware of inappropriate behavoir.

I need to research this. Baby beats the crap out of Chief and Boo and Im tired of it.
~ Mikaela Sky

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myths of clicker training

Post by ScarletKnight »

liek anythign clicker training ca be used for negative enforcemnt, however it mean for positive training and is quite benificial it gives a central point of conenction between bird and human. se clicker is impartial it sounds the same all the time. unlike human out voices have highs and lows and show emotions. the ultimate goal is to substitue the "click" of clicker toa humna command. for example lets take a dog you tell it sit click and treat ( reapeat aslogn as u have to) and then after a whiel just say sit and the dog will sit because he associates the sit with that treat. same concept. ciao
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Post by Mikaela »

I got my words backwards. :oops: It is usually 5 am when I am on. I meant can it be used for negative behavior.

I am having a really hard time lately keeping Baby on her stand. Grrrrr annoying. Floor = Danger :(
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by ScarletKnight »

well here is the deal if u click and treat her at her play stand she will associate it with good place. all thought it cane be used as a negative sence but try what i told u. and see what happens. and what ever u do don't make it a bid deal when she is on the floor. jsut scoop and place on stand and when she says there click and treat. you want it to respresent positive stuff so u can lets say teach her to play basketball like i taught my nephews macaw. lol still find that funny he actually put his neck up and down to represent a dribble.
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Post by Mikaela »

Baby's high 5 makes everyone roll in the floor. I bet her first word will be like a babies first steps hehe :oops:
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by ScarletKnight »

so u got ure clicker training straight. and i hope thats not a plastic plant i see baby on if it is u better few inches away. ciao
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Post by Mikaela »

Nope, thats her outside playing in the flower bed liner.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by ScarletKnight »

thats india right. try not use the flash so much it makes her look liek alutio lol
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Post by Mikaela »


Baby said to kiss her tail feather... she is still gorgeous.

I think she meant it to because when she said it she threw her Boa over her wing and went inside her condo. I'll try to calm her down. :)

She is sensitive about this avatar thing and I have even tried to see if anyone can edit/fix the over-exposure but no luck.

I told her noone would notice, she told me they would, quess she was right again. But, her pink Gucci messenger bag will be here today so that should make her happy, so materialistic that way. :roll: Little does she know, it came off of e-bay and is probably a knock off for only 375.00 (shhh, she wouldnt have it). My husband has never even touched her, has no clue what a bird even feels like yet he buys her Gucci to sh*t in? I dont get him. Then again, he handles me much the same way "Here, go buy yourself something pretty"... that type. :roll: *ponders* Well seperation papers could be pretty to some, no? hehe

I would rather her poo in my Gucci than on my shoulder. I get SO TIRED of people saying "you have poo on your shoulder" I say "get it off or dont worry about it." Big deal, I have four kids... I probably have poo on me in alot of places I dont even realize.

Poo is Poo is Poo, no big deal. I have had men sh*t on me far more than these birds. :lol: Ladies, can I get a witness! Though I fail to remember anyone running up behind me to point that out.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by Neokireina »

It's just an excuse to take your birdie out again and get more great pics of that glamour girl. A new one each week !! Yeah the washed out colour is really hard to fix if not impossible. darker to lighter is easier than lighter to darker and maybe if you had the original image, when your shrink and jpeg it it loses alot of information but I could be just sprouting crap what do i know about photo editing :P
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Post by Mikaela »

I trrrry so hard not to post pics often, I swear! :oops:

It is just impossible sometimes hehe.

All of these critters are so d@mn cute!

Uhm, can you get my shoulder for me? Turn around... you have a little too. :D
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by ScarletKnight »

i want to post pics of my bennie to but i dunno how plsu i want imran and u to tell me if he is gonan play baseball or softball.
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Post by Mikaela »

Images can indeed be shown in your posts. However, there is no facility at present for uploading images directly to this board. Therefore you must link to an image stored on a publicly accessible web server, e.g. You cannot link to pictures stored on your own PC (unless it is a publicly accessible server) nor to images stored behind authentication mechanisms such as Hotmail or Yahoo mailboxes, password-protected sites, etc. To display the image use either the BBCode [img] tag or appropriate HTML (if allowed).

I recommend
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Post by Neokireina »

From what I recall on the little I've read of clicker training.. I dont think It can be used for negative reinforcement. The click acts as a "bridge" to the reward so they know that they are being rewarded I assume because they have such a short term memory or that they arent good at predictive association.

I'll read more on this and answer better later. It does sound like it works really well but as for me personally.. I dont have enough dicipline to teach them like that. Depends how bad you want a bird to do tricks or how domestic you want to make your bird. /shrug
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Post by ScarletKnight »

absolutely right i trained a macaw for my nephew on clicer it works great.
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