Hi Johan;Johan S wrote:Mike, and an alternative to Recio's point of view, if blue1blue1 completely blocks the production of psittacin, and blue2blue2 completely blocks the production of psittacin, why does the blue1blue2 budgie have a yellow face? The reasoning of Recio regarding enzymatic regulation can also apply here.Mikesringnecks wrote:Hi Recio
I have been thinking again. I agree with you that the possibility of a close linkage between Emerald and Blue would effectively negate the chance of proving EmeraldBlue by breeding my TurquoiseEmerald hen with a BlueBlue cock. However, as I have said before, surely anything other than EmeraldBlue or TurquoiseBlue chicks does prove the opposite IE that Emerald is not a par blue.
I am convinced that the Emerald BlueBlue proposition also has a simple fatal flaw. I now have a few EmeraldBlue Cleartails and they all carry a good amount of that pale yellow emerald psitticin underneath. As I understand it, BlueBlue is a null mutation shutting down the production of psitticin completely. If this is correct, they should surely be white underneath not pale yellow. Therefore Emerald BlueBlue is presumably impossible.
If I am wrong again please explain.
Kind regards
Can you please share side by side snap of Blue1Blue1 and Blue2Blue2 budgies ?