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Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 1:28 pm
by AJPeter
BE7 + 3

Billie's Egg number 7 + 3 days. Her last egg was laid 3 days after the previous one but all the rest were 2 days apart, and because it is day three l did not phone the vets in case she stops laying of her own accord. Today she has been like her old self playing with beads, more vocal, eating a lot, yesterday l gave her some boiled egg mashed with the shell and she had a little of the left over today. I cooked some porridge made with water for to eat at breakfast, while l scoffed porridge made with milk and golden syrup with lashing of sugar, shh! Don't tell Billie.

Tonight l ate up some casseroled liver and mash potatoes which had been lurking in the bottom of the freezer, Billie loved the sweet corn and gravy and came back for seconds, and after l had some cheese and biscuits she enjoyed a little cheese.

She ate most of the fresh fruit l put in a bowl for her, and l gave her extra seeds which either she has sold on the black market or eaten.

I left the broken egg in the bottom of her cage l think it has gone off, it stinks to high heaven, it is either the egg or me!
It has been there htree days. One of us will have to go!

Cross you fingers that she does not lay toniight. If she does l have transport waiting to take us to the vets.

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 1:11 pm
by AJPeter
BE7 +4

Well Billie did not lay last night so it is four days since her last egg can l say she has stopped?

The next stage will be the moult.

Shalll continue relaying news on this thread?

I cancelled all my lifts to the vets, l meant to phone them to let them have the good news, l had to go shopping today and l went into the pet shop and bought some oyeter shell, and some charcoal, some egg biscuit, some nice seed from vitakraft, got to look after my baby.

She did not eat the last of the corn cob so l did not get her any more but they had pomerganites back in stock which she likes digging the seeds out.

It might be a good idea Ellie to look at lessons learnt on this thread, what do you think?

A sepecial thanks for Melissa and Claire, and Sanjay's muumi and Ellie and MissK for helping me to get through this difficult time.

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 7:56 pm
by ellieelectrons
Fingers crossed that she has finished laying now. Sounds like it is hopeful.

You're welcome AJPeter.


Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 9:49 am
by Skyes_crew
You're very welcome Peter. Hopefully Billie will be back to her usual ornery self soon :wink:

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 2:20 pm
by AJPeter
Cannot say she was ever ornery, but l get the gist of what you are saying Melissa, undoubtedly changes are taking place but there does not seem to be a pattern in her behaviour. She still enjoys a cuddly and moves from my hand onto my jumper whether this was a left over form the rash l had or an attmept on her part to rub herself on me l cannot make up my mind up. Watching carelfully her rump is lifted so l do not think she is trying to rub herself on me, but l do not encourage her.

Since the vet clipped her nails she is not very keen to ride on my shoulder.

I think all this started back in October when l was doing everything wrong, too much petting especially under the wing, and on the back. Too much electric light late at night, too much cooked soggy food. And then by steps she started to respond by wanting to mate. It was a good job Melissa spotted her behaviour.

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 3:40 pm
by AJPeter
BE7 + 5
Now l have cut back on the liquid calcium. She still wants her cuddles, l am slao trying new food out on her/

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 2:25 pm
by AJPeter

Will she start laying again this year?

I know her weight will be down as it was very exhausting for her to lay 7 eggs so l have been giving her extra treats, but she seems to know what she wants, only tonight she refused more one piece of corned beef. only ate one cooked sugarsnap pea. This morning l gave her some passion fruit but she threw that out along with the strawberry, she polished off some pomegranite, and ate a lot of Mango.

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 2:23 pm
by AJPeter
BE7+7 Well that that is that

She shows no sign of moulting, has a bath once a week more like a paddle l spray her two three times a week just lighlty it seems all she wants.

She still tries to mate but l say No thank you and change the subject.

So life goes on nothintg to relate.

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 2:50 pm
by Skyes_crew
I do not think she will molt until spring Peter. Usually when it's warmer they molt. I'm very happy to hear that she is done laying though. Give her a neck scratch for me :D

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:39 pm
by ellieelectrons
I think I may have confused the issue with my comments on moulting. I think nesting can delay moulting if the hen is sitting on eggs when the moult is due. In birds that are specifically used for breeding this tends to happen if the breeder double clutches in one year. Sorry if I confused you Peter.


Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 4:33 pm
by sanjays mummi
Sanjay is losing his undercoat, and the wild birds are mating and nesting, so I think Billie may start moulting anyway.

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 4:33 pm
by sanjays mummi
Sanjay is losing his undercoat, and the wild birds are mating and nesting, so I think Billie may start moulting anyway.

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 4:50 pm
by AJPeter
Thank you Melissa and Ellie, not much chance of spring here we might get snow next week. I think this was her first clutch because she made no attempt to sit on the eggs just bashed holes in them.

She likes the room temperature at 75f but that is far too hot for me except in the evenings, over night l try and not let the temp drop below 68f but sometimes it goes down to 62 and she is very sluggish in the mornings but when its a bit warmer l go in and call out and she lets out squeals of delight even before l have uncovered her.

You did not confuse me Ellie, well not any more than l am. All this is new to me, and very exciting, do not worry Melissa the next neck scratch is from you.

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 4:57 pm
by AJPeter
Sanjay is in England. Faceing the same weather we are having in Birmingham, and if Sanjay is starting to moult maybe Billie will not be too far behind.

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 2:19 pm
by AJPeter
I'm a little bit upset that after all the time saying no to her advances and then putting up with 7 eggs only to find that she still wants to mate or masturbate on me is a bit thick. Of course l keep saying no but Billie is quite head strong and does not take no lightly.

At least she has stopped laying, l ought to be thankful for small mercies.

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 2:43 pm
by AJPeter
I have just done some research in the forum, a doze of my own medeicine you could say and have turned up two interesting results the first is that l need to give Billie time to settle down down after the egg laying because her hormones will be all over the place and the second is to do with petting. Her mating/wanting to masturbate seems to come after l have given her a little neck scratch and would appear to me that all petting is now out until she settle down.

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 4:08 pm
by AJPeter
All the mistakes l made before she started laying eggs l seem to making all over again. I have been spoon feeding her porriidge off my plate, sickly sweet with golden syrup and lashing of sugar made with milk. Well today she got her own porridge in a bowl up high up made with water and oh boy could she taste the difference. She put her tongue on the porridge and left it alone but at least she did not get any of mine.

I also gave her a bowl for the Shpherd's pie we both love.

But from now on no more petting, she likes me to hold my hand still while she moves under it but the artful bird tries to get herself under my hand so her back gets rubbed. Well no more. I may have to move things around in her cage, even move the cage itself. I think it is trial and error

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 11:46 pm
by sanjays mummi
oh dear; it has to be tough love then?, what a shame. Never mind, it wont be forever.

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 1:22 pm
by AJPeter
Thank you Sanjay's Mummi, it is hard to deprive one the you love with life's little creatue comforts but l console myself it is for her good and mine.

Billie has been better behaved today although she tried it on trying to get me to mate with her. Or masturbate on me, l noticed she was trying to feed her image in the mirror today so l was forced to take it away and put up the pictue of a bridge across the river.

She just takes it on the chin.

I gave her some porridge (made with water) this morning she ate quite a bit. l think that will have to go as it counts as soft mushy food and while she is in this hormonal stage it only makes her worse. I ve changed things around in her cage but if she continues to be hormonal l may have to move the cage, l only want to make small changes. She has such a sweet temerpment she does not bite me/

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 5:21 pm
by sanjays mummi
sanjay does not bite me either, I get "kisses", also, he answers me now, If I ask "do you wants a fig?" he pins his eyes and makes a sound, then hops onto the nearest perch to receive it. also, if I ask "are you alright?" he pins and answers the same way (affirmative), really sweet loving little guy, :P

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 2:37 pm
by AJPeter
It is really great how they develop and have their own way to answer us, Sanjay's Mummi but at the moment Billie is just getting her voice back, some one came to my fornt door and rang the belll and Billie answered with a lovely new call. But when l greet her in the morning she squeals with excitement.

She was ever so good yesterday so l let her have the wall mirror back and today has seen an improvement in her behaviour. She still wants to mate but l deter her with something different and she sat on the back of my arm chair for some time.

She has her own bowl for porridge made with water, l get the full milk and golden syrup in mine. Dinner time l make up a bowl for her of fresh vegeatables but she does get a cooked sugar snap pea pod. Tonight she was back to her old time of going to bed at 7 pm but she had to put up with me watching TV until 8 with the sound turned off.

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 1:43 pm
by AJPeter
I was reading in Wikipedia that the breeding season is between November and April. WOW! Another 4 months to go of thses hormonal urges and l was just ttinking that she was over the worst. Billie still tries to mate, she is very crafty begging for a scratch which turns into head butting and wagging her tail. I tell her no thanks I'm British!

But we make progress.

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 2:31 pm
by AJPeter
I feel very sorry for Billie she has these hormonal things where she runs along the lower perch and dives into a corner beak on the deck and tail up in the air, this afternoon we had a lot of pay sessions. Arm lock (I let her win) wrestle (She let me win) boxing (Draw) Kick boxing (She won) Pretend biting (I won) Head butting (She won) all this was driven by her hormonal urges. Poor Billie.

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 2:34 pm
by AJPeter
Gosh! I can only hope next breeding season will be a doddle, at least Billie and I have learnt the ropes.

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 2:38 pm
by sanjays mummi
Its a shame we cannot neuter our birds, isnt it?

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 2:45 pm
by AJPeter
I feel sorry for splayed cats, at least our birds can go through the motions of child birth

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 4:29 pm
by InTheAir
Aj: did your vet work out what was causing her respiratory issues?

If you look into it enough, you should be able to reduce her desire to lay before next season. Ellie didn't get any eggs from her pair last year.
If you are keeping a non breeding bird, it seems pretty callous to let her go through all that effort and risk for no babies. I don't think I'd want to go through childbirth just for the experience! stuff that! :lol:

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 5:05 pm
by AJPeter
The vet said she could hear a crackle in Billie's lungs but since the obvious reason the Chlamydia was ruled out the vet said that it could be pretty expensive to proceed any further and l should wait to see if any other complications cropped up.

I agree with you heartily about Billie laying next season l shall do everything possible to deter her and if she does start laying l know now what to do to stop her as quickly as possible, 7 eggs is 7 eggs too many.

However she is still having hormonal urges and as the breeding season may last until April we shall have to sit them out. I try and turn her breeding desire into a game for her, it is sort of rough housing her. I could not stop her laying this year once she had started l could have taken measures sooner i l had known what would work.

I am hoping that once Billie comes out of the breeding season and starts to moult l shall start helping her not to start next season or not starting on time.

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 2:07 pm
by AJPeter
I think Billie is slowly getting better many of her calls stopped during the egg laying period but not they are coming back now. But she still gets those hormonal urges, today she wanted to feed me and was regurgitationg liquids l stopped her as quickly as l could, but she ws very presisitent. She rocks back forth and jabs me in the ear lobe but when l try and cover my ears she climbs onto my fingers, and starts all over again. This is the signal for her to back on her cage. After one such episode she retreated to the bottomof the cage abd sat in hormal position so it might be that her need to regurgitate might be linked to the hormonal urges.

Recenltly she has been losing a lot of fluffy feathers, l think she is getting rid of her long johns!

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 2:34 pm
by AJPeter
Slowly is the word, this morning when l uncovered her she dived to the bottom of the cage and sat with her tail up and beak on the floor. That's it l thought no more so l moved the cage to the other side of the room it stopped her egg laying before maybe it will stop her hornonal urges. She has not had an hormonal attack all day so that is good.

She did not like the new cage position and made a lot of complaints which l ignorred. And she has been absolutey beastly.

Flying to to the back of my chair and breaking her neck to get down on my shoulder and then butting me ear lobe, l watch her carefully becasue l think she is masturbatinfg on me as soon as l am sure l put her back on her cage. And two minutes late she flies to the back of my chair it starts all over again. I cut out her porridge today and now she does not get any soft mushy food.

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 1:06 pm
by AJPeter
So this is day two of the cage being in a new position and Billie has behaved like a perfect lady today, no head butting no rubbing herself on me, no diving to the bottom of the cage with an hormonal attack. She has sat on my shoulder quietly and although not perfect l will move her cage back tomorrow.

I bought one of those bendy cotton ropes today and put it her her cage but so far she has just ignorred it.

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 1:54 pm
by sanjays mummi
Sanjay has discovered the joys of chewing wood!, his fruit flavoured swings and toys are sawdust on the floor of his palace. :lol:

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 4:22 pm
by AJPeter
Thanks be that Billie has not got to that stage yet, carboard is her staple diet.

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 1:06 pm
by AJPeter
I am beginning to think that when Billie rubs herself on my shoulder it is not masturbating but itchy skin. I picked her up and turned her over because l thought the vent area was soiled but it was beautifully clean but it did look as if the bare patch from her vent up her tummy was inflamed. I have a ordered a spray Rain which has Aloe Vera and l am hoping this will calm that patch down.

But nevertheless l do not want her rubbing that patch as it will only make it worse.

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 2:00 pm
by sanjays mummi
Aloe Vera is very soothing, I keep Aloe Vera gel in the fridge for burns etc.

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 2:12 pm
by AJPeter
Thank you Sanja's mummi for your reply, l suppose gel would come from a health food shop?

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 1:43 pm
by AJPeter
English: Hallo Vera
Hawaain: Aloha Vera
Bronx: Aloe Vera

Well it arrived today and l duly squirted Billie's bare patch. She thought l had a lot of cheek, not as much as you are showing l told her. But she is still getting these hormonal attacks one this afternoon drove her to the bottom of the cage where she sat hunched up with squeals. I put my hand in and stroked her after a while she started to move. Even though the Aloe Vera must be soothing she is strill trying to rub herself on me, but l have carefuilly watched her in a mirror and she is not rubbing her genitalia on me so it is not masturbating.

I shall be glad when the patch on her belly heals and new feathers appear, l asked the vet about it and he said the feathers would grow if the folicles were not damaged.

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 3:33 pm
by sanjays mummi
Sounds as though she is itchy, yes, Holland and Barret have it, and they have a penny sale on at the moment.

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 1:09 pm
by AJPeter
Thanks for the tip, there is a H @ B in One stop shopping centre l will try and remember to get some on Tuessday when l go shoppng. The spray "Rain" came yestersday. They recomend keeping it refigerated spray that on Bille's bar patch and she is the one that would be frigid!

The computer in our church which was donated has packed up, any one know where we might get another donated?

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 1:27 pm
by AJPeter
Being over indulgent does not pay dividends. I gave her the roller of paper to play with and she had pulled it all off the roll and shredded it and tonight she was banging around after l covered her up making so much noise l could not hear the TV
so l took the tray out and cleaned it putting back empty. l also hid the empty roller. This was a good move because after l put the tray back in silence descended and there was peace in the valley again.

I noticed today that lf allow her onto my shoulder she want so rub herself on me this causing her hormonal vibes, also too much neck scratching in my lap is causuing her hormonal problems too and after l forcibly put her back on the cage she ran to the bottom of the cage and sat there all hunched up. Her classic hormone pose.

Her bare patch does not look red now, l just hope it heals.

I am beginiing to think it is a hands off the bird.

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 2:01 pm
by AJPeter
Bad news bears.

Billie has laid an egg.

Her last was on the 17th Jan and now 22 days later she laid again last night her 8th egg this year! This calls for drastic measures. I have moved her cage, taken out most of her toys, she did not get any porridge this morning and l have turned off the floor lamp she likes to sun bathe under. Also l have kept her in the cage for most of the day becasue this morning she was looking for a way onto the floor in the search for a nesting area, in fact she actually flew to the ground but my feet were in the way of her landing and she had to pull up.

The egg has a hard shell and at first l tried to put it into an open nest l carefuly laid it on a cloth in the cuff link box but she tried to pull the cloth out so l replaced it with wood shaving but she was trying to get those out so l got rid of the box and laid the egg back on the cage floor.

She has been very hormonal recently, in the mornings l found her sitting on the floor of the cage, and during the day she would dive for the floor of the cage squealing. l suppose l have not helped by giving her porridge made with water in the mornings. keeping the temp up at night about 69 and during the day 75 well no more it has been about 71 today, She did not like being shut in and l tried several attempts to let her out for some exercise but each time her heart was set on looking for a nesting site.

This morning she was sitting on her sleeping perch looking as if butter would not melt in her mouth. And l thought she was over laying eggs.

If she lays another one it is off to the vets. By the way l have got 5 dummy eggs; she chewed one to bits. Also l have sprinkled oyster shell grit on the cage floor, and in her seed bowl.

WHAT MORE CAN I DO? Any one got a gun?

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 7:42 pm
by ellieelectrons
I think just make the appointment with the vet. I believe there are more drastic steps that can be taken such as hormone injections. I guess if it depends if she is a candidate for it and I'm guessing it will be expensive. My avian vet told me of another technique involving limiting food and daylight hours for a short period of time to reset her body clock. I won't publish the details here as I think it really needs to be done under vet supervision, so perhaps you could ask your avian vet about it. I'd also discuss with my vet the idea of giving her an open nest or a nestbox and just let her do her thing for this year, lay the eggs and sit on them until she loses interest. In my mind I'd prefer her to do that rather than lay a large number of eggs every year because they kept getting taken away?

When I discussed the idea of the open nest with my avian vet last week, he said he didn't have a problem with it but he also didn't Scientifically see why it would work.

Poor you, poor Billie. I hope things get sorted out soon.


Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 1:16 pm
by AJPeter
Thanks Ellie, l just sent you a private message please ignore, you may be right, my vet was not keen on hormone injection so l think he will want me to try other methods first. She is still wantng to find a nest so l am not holding out much hope that she will give up laying, but l cannot see any bumps, her abdomen looks flat.

Melisa was telling me that the keel bone should be flat but on Billie her breast bone is jagged and sharp, she was quite intrigued l wanted to feel it, when l see the vet l will ask him about it.

The egg she laid friday night is rolling around the bottom of the cage because the floor slopes so the egg rolls down and sits to one side of the tray, so far she has not touched it, I do not think she has any inkling about sitting on it.

Tonight she had a treat Shepherd's pie, potato crust, corn peas and broad beans, she usually gets a crust at tea time but turned her nose up at for the last couple of days.

So the latest is if she lays tonight l will be on the phone to the vet first thing in the morning, but if not l shall wait to see if she can stop with the measures l have already taken. But i will try your idea of shortening her day

Will keep everyone posted/

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 2:12 pm
by ellieelectrons
Do you know how old Billie is?


Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 2:43 pm
by InTheAir
Aj, I agree with Ellie that consulting your vet it a very good idea.

Also, does Billie go to bed when the sun goes down and wake up when it gets light?

If you are keeping her up late by having lights on while it is getting dark outside it may be tricking her into thinking it is time to breed.

You do understand that a hen does not start sitting on her eggs until she has laid a full clutch?
This is why she shows no interest in sitting on the first egg.

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 3:52 pm
by AJPeter
She is as old as her tongue and a little older than her feathers, i do not really know but l had a word with the man who pushed her out of the window and he said she never laid any eggs when she was with him, and she only got sunflower seeds no fruit or any other seeds , no grains or vegs. From what was said previously l think she could be about 4 to 5 years old.

If she does not lay tonight l shall not phone the vet and of course then the whole process will be repeated if she does not lay tomorrow night and then again tuesday night. But lets cross one bridge at a time, I seem to think waiting for Billie might be the best option.

Tonight l had the electric light off at sundown and her cage was bathed in sunlight, eerie but it got so dim l had to put the light on. She starts going to bed at 6 pm when l start closing the cage down and between 6,30 and 7 she calls for the covers but bangs around on the floor of the cage for about 20 minutes before it goes all quiet. I wake her up at about 9 am and she squeals with excitment.

She showed no interest to sit one the 7 egg before just bashed holes in them. Was she saying "NO good Reject?" I tried a cardboard nesting box but she just ate the floor and sides, at avarious times pushed the eggs outside. This week l tried an open nest with a folded piece of cloth in my metal cuff link box, she wanted to pullout the cloth l got rid of that and put wood chips in but she was trying to get those out so l put the egg on the cafe floor and she has left it alone.

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 4:20 pm
by ellieelectrons
I was asking about her age because a young bird laying eggs is less likely to become egg bound than an older bird. Sounds like Billie is still reasonably young. Of course it can still happen to a young bird but there is less of a likelihood. Given that she is already laying eggs, it is an option to give her a proper nest box and let her go through the motions. If she is able to lay a full clutch and then sit on them, that might be it until next year. Once that is over you can work on her diet and see if things are different next year. I'm not saying you SHOULD take this course of action but it is an option. I suggest you consult with your vet on this.

I have no scientific basis for this, but personally I would avoid handling her (unless absolutely necessary) as I wouldn't want to damage any reproductive processes going on inside of her.

Regarding the open nest. Janey tipped the pine shavings out every day too. I just filled it up once a day when she was away from the cage. The fact that she was showing interest in it was enough for me. My situation was a bit different to yours in that I was giving her the open nest because she was became nest-territorial of several locations around the house. She hadn't started laying eggs and didn't lay eggs that year.


Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 1:41 pm
by AJPeter
Thank you Ellie for the news of the open nest for Janey, this morning l gave Bille an old card board box for a nesting box and she just sat in it ripping it to pieces, in the end l had to take it away from her.

Well the news is that she laid another egg, and l phoned the vets. I got the impression from them that what Billie is doing is quite natural since her first batch were all duds and perhaps that is why she bashed holes in them I say that because these two eggs weigh a ton compared to the earlier ones and are still intact. I think l should not be concerned if she lays a clutch what is that 4 eggs? Any more and l shall phone the vets again, if she keeps to a pattern then the next will be due Tuesday and the one after thursday, the avian vet is on duty on friday, and tuesday.

I left her out while l fixed dinner tonight and l could hear her flying about looking for a nest site l presume, so l came back and locked her in while l finished the preparations. Moving the cage and taking out her toys moving the bowls around and moving the mirror did not stop her laying so l have given them all back.

I shall go shopping tomorrow and call in at the pet shop where l can buy a proper nesting box made of wood but she is just as likely to rip that to pieces. I do not believe she knows how to sit on eggs. I was wondering whether a practical example would help her, see Parrot speak/

Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 5:37 pm
by ellieelectrons
Just a quick note: Make sure you get the right size nestbox for a ringneck. They need a pretty big box. Most of our generic local pet stores here don't sell them.


Re: A thread for AJ and Billie about hormonal behaviour.

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:36 pm
by AJPeter
Now she tells me!

I bought a wooden box for a chinchilla l think these are wild double chins, any way the box is about 12" x 10" and 8" high, it cost £9 and has a large door way and no other windows, the large openning means l can see inside if l go on hands and knees inside her cage and cran my neck sideweays.

Billie loves it she watched as l manouvered it into her cage and it is large enough to balance her swimming pool on top, l put in some wood chips but she started to kick these out so l added some news paper and that was kicked out as well but then l put her two eggs in at the back of box but later l saw she had pushed these to the front while she decorated inside.

She moaned like the dickens last night as l watched tv but tonight she was inside her box but later l heard her come out for a midnight nosh. I also bought some willow sticks l gave her one and she loved chewing on that. Its chicken tonight, that is if she i going to lay again. LOL she kept looking into the box to see how the twins were and l kept telling her they have to hatch first.

She had one hormonal attack this afternoon and sat ont he bottom of the cage but after l stoked her she came out for a cuddly